3rd Eye of the Mystic

    Come in....my lair is your lair!

         A head peaks high above you with quite enormous wings.   It steps into the light and says,
"Welcome." When you finally come to and see the metallic silver dragon before you she starts again.  
 "My name is Silverstrike and I am a dragon of the Lunar Realm.   I am visiting your Gaia Realm
 for a couple of centuries and you are sitting in my lair.
        You are quite welcome to explore.  Enjoy the fantasy artwork and tower of creatures.
A cave over my head and a pile of treasure under my tail is all I really 
need. -SIGH- Enjoy the pics and come back some time.  Don't miss my personal art studio!"
She grins (toothy) then glides off to catch her daily meal.


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ThisRing of Dragons lair is owned by Silverstrike

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Age of Dragon:EGG
Where I got it at:Momma Hippo's Dragon Hatchery