Issue 129.25
This month, some of our best fiction and articles from 1998. Enjoy!
Awakening by Dora Shelton - A SPACE: ABOVE AND BEYOND Story. (Premiered February 1998). The first Heather Scott story.
No Smoking by Nigel G. Mitchell - A SLIDERS Story. (Premiered March 1998).
Redemption by John Orton - A PROJECT A-KO Story. (Premiered May 1998).
Arrow Comics Reviews - by Jerry Seward and Anthony Van Pyre. (Part 1 Premiered March 1998, Part 2 Premiered August 1998).
CRIME TRAVELER Episode Guide - by Philippa Sidle. (Premiered March 1998)
seaQUEST DSV Episode Guide - by Jerry Seward (Premiered March 1998)
The Credits for POWER STAR
The Satisfaction and Suggestion
May's Issue: A Salute to Japanese Anime!
October's Issue: A Salute to Chris Carter, creator of THE
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times since
December 1, 1998.
IN WITH THE NEW (http://www.crosswinds.net/~powerstar/): In the coming months, an ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK story, a look at the latest BATMAN comics, the final CUPID story, Sarah Stegall (THE OFFICIAL GUIDES TO THE X-FILES) reviews the ABC series STRANGE WORLD, filmmaker Kelly Coffey's review of THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, a DOCTOR WHO/SLIDERS crossover, new artwork by Charlotte Noble, Parker Gabriel's "The Flight of Roman Yar," the CHARMED story "A Midsummer Nightmare," the CAPTAIN POWER story "Memories of Moonlight," the BEAUTY & THE BEAST story "The List," the sizzling debut of ROXANNE, an advance look at the new cyberpunk graphic novel DARKEYE, and the Top 100 Episodes of Science Fiction and Fantasy Television!