I am Simian Grud. I am the leader of a delegation from Planet Grud whose mission is to enslave the entire human race and transport it back to Planet Grud. There, the enslaved humans will slave in the ore mines of Grud.
It has been decided that Gruds are too intelligent to work in mines, therefore the work will be delegated to a far more inferior race--humans.
When the fleet of ships arrives to take you to Planet Grud, it is important that everyone is ready. That is what this website is for.
Click here for a list of what to bring to Planet Grud.
Click here for a list of what not to bring to Planet Grud.
Read about the video game Gruds in Space.
Email simiangrud@hotmail.com.with
any questions regarding your role in the Grud takeover of Earth.
slaves of Grud have visited this site.
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