
A Letter To President Bush

Dear President Bush:

As a former United States Marine, I would like to state my
position on a proper response to the WTC and Pentagon attacks.

First, nothing happens in a vacuum. There is a reason for
the attacks, at least from the perspective of the attackers.
From their perspective, twisted though it may be, our great
nation, though it's actions and failures to act, has caused
the loss of lives, families, homes and properties of many
Arabs and Moslems though the years, including the failure to
act against the clear abuses of the Israeli and Arab
governments toward the Palestinian people.

Second, it is my belief that a massive strike against other
countries will only escalate the violence, creating more
terror attacks against us. The next time they may, indeed,
hit the White House, or the Capitol building. Or they may
use biological, chemical, or even nuclear weapons.

Third, I am deeply troubled by the rhetoric coming out of
Washington, and the lack of criticism from many in Congress,
concerning the supposed "need" to curtail some of our civil
liberties in order to combat terrorism.

I refer specifically here to the Speaker and the Minority
Leader of the House of Representatives, whom I saw on CNN
making that statement, and on the positions of several in
your Administration, calling for grossly expanded police
and security powers.

I believe it was Benjamin Franklin who said, "Those who would
give up a little liberty in order to gain a little security,
deserve neither liberty nor security."
I am in complete agreement with that statement.

Further, I would also remind you of the words of that great
leader of India, Mohandas K. Ghandi, who taught:
"The friend you must cultivate is that part of your enemy
which knows the truth." Please, Mr. President, do not bring us into a third world war.

Donald Charles Rice Jr.
