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The Dragonlord's Lair
(aka, Rapor)

    Here is the next stage of my webpage making!  I finally have a scanner,
and thus I may scan pictures as I please!  I have many drawings I would
like to share that are great!  My wallpaper was drawn, shaded and colored
with pen.  I find that I do best with pen.  Previously, this site was mainly
dedicated to Gargoyes, but I've decided to add more of a variety to my
world, here.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Art Gallery
Gargoyles Links
Other Links
My WebLog!

I'm getting married! Check us out!!!

The almighty disclaimer!
Disclaimer: This web page is
in no way associated with the Walt Disney Company or Buena Vista
Television. It is managed by a rabid Gargoyles fanatic and is
completely non-profit. Any copyrighted material included on this
site is reproduced without permission. Gargoyles is a trademark of
Disney and Buena Vista Studios. The views and opinions expressed
on this site are strictly those of either the author unless
otherwise stated. This page has been created for the use of
Gargoyles fans everywhere. There is no copyright on this web
site and reproduction of any material is done at the user's own
risk, unless otherwise stated. Buena Vista, Disney, and any other
contributors to this page is not liable or responsible for and
indirect or consequential damages whatsoever resulting from
loss of use, data or profits arising from the use or performance
of this page. And if you think I copied that from someone else's
page...well, you're right.  This applies to Mage Knight and any
other content found on this website, they being owned by
other companies such as WizKid's is to Mage Knight.

E-mail me! If you wish to contact me, here I am:©

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Raptor the Dragonlord .

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