...Welcome to My World...
The SatyrElf name, image(s), likeness(es), rendition(s) and representation(s) of, for all intents and purposes, are the sole property of Kara R. Miller. Please do not copy, use, post or redistribute without prior consent. The contents of this website are the property and/or copyright of Kara R. Miller, unless otherwise designated* by copyright and/or trademark of the owner and/or creator. No infringement intended. All Rights Reserved.                                                    ~SatyrElf 2005~
If you like my site, LINK ME! You can save my banner above and use it on your webpage, or you can email me to exchange banners.
My own personal tribute to those who were so tragically lost, and to those fellow Americans who so bravely gave their lives that day so that others would have the chance to live...
Sept. 12, 2005- Well, as you can see, I have changed the look of my site just a bit. I'm changing each of the pages also, so this will take awhile... hope you enjoy it.
Sept. 15, 2005- Ok, so it's not the greatest picture I've ever taken, but here I am with my little "BabyElf"! It was like choosing the lesser of a dozen evils... every pic I looked good in, Hailie was making a bad face. And every pic she looked adorable in, I was making a weird face (mostly trying to get her to smile). So this was the only "happy medium". Oh well. I guess you can't have everything...
August 10, 2005- Well, my old computer totally died this last week, so it will be awhile before I can get any new art up to the site. It's a shame too- I had quite a few pics I had done in Photoshop that I hadn't yet moved anywhere "safe", and now they're gone. *sniff* Oh well, I guess life goes on...
June 30, 2005- Just a quick update... I had my baby on May 31, 2005! A Beautiful little girl, 6lbs 1oz! I will post more later, I just wanted to hop on and apologize for not being aroud to update... I had a good reason!
Mar. 08, 2005- Hello again! Well, I was feeling pretty good today, so I thought I'd hop on and try to get some more work done on the site! As you may have noticed, I made a slight color adjustment to the background- it's more of a blue now instead of that grayish green! I also made a small rearrangement to the layout of the front page here: thought it needed a bit of refreshing so I moved the counter and guestbook over to the left, to make more room for the update log. Eventually I'll get around to finishing the new buttons to go into the navigation center. lol. Kimmy (smileyelf) came into town on Thursday and we went and ate, and she snagged a few shots of my preggo self, so I hope to get those and paste them up on here soon- I know she said she'd also be updating her site with them soon, so... ^_^    I'm in the process of adding more pics and stuff to the About the Baby section... I'm getting so excited! Okay well I better get busy! lol

* Okay, I added those pics/pages (I put up the belly shots and also more pics of my friends- actually my ex and all...lol...) to access them you have to go to the About Me and the About the Baby pages. I will get buttons made up later, I'm tired now! lol
Anyway I hope you enjoy them!
... well, not really- just my site dedicated to my art! From now on, this site will only be showcasing my own artwork and news about my beautiful baby girl. Some of my artwork may not be posted on this site, because it contains drawings of nude male and female forms set in sometimes "compromising" positions... I tried to pick the cleanest and most unoffensive for my page. If you object to semi-nudity at all, then I apologize beforehand - you probably shouldn't view my page. ^_^
If you  would like to request a copy of anything I have drawn, or would like for me to draw you something,  send me an email by pressing my Email button.
This page was last updated:
Sept 15, 2005