Photographs & Memories
Photo's of My Tattoo's
A little video that I created in November 2001 in recognition of the tragic events from 9/11/01
How could my sister and her husband be so cruel?  They played this joke, they shaved my cat! Ahh, scary!
Dave and I
Gosh who can forget this, oh yea, I can!  Tell me which one I am again!
John & Laura Dancing Away
Click on the photo for more
Dave and I eloping in Vegas
Click on the photo for more
This is my sister and her husband, John.  [Before they were married]
Leanne with Dave & Me with Pete
Everyone is having a blast
Dutchess, Ambriel & Gabbie all being loving for a change
I am probably never going to be 100% completed with this site...It will just keep going and going, just like that stupid bunny.