Welcome to my Domain (Im)Mortal!
First, let me present myself. I am Life-Saver. Don't be fooled by the name cause I probably wouldn't save your life(even if you have one). I am not a vampire, but simply a mortal seeking the truth, hoping to find a better life, or... Unlife :].
By the way, I finally got a good picture of myself (yes, that's me on the left) CLICK on it to view a better one! (really)
I do *NOT* Believe in vampires (or do I?) I use to, but I still like and enjoy the myth. For some years now, I tried to find the thruth about supernatural. I had positive and negative result. So now, What do I believe in? ...Well that, I'm still not shure about! I believe that humanity is not only living in a world of researches, science & technology but that supernatural phenomenon exist too. We just aren't using it (Well...most people)
Creatures like Werewolfs, Vampires, Ghosts or others are things in which we don't have any real proofs of their existence or inexistance: its still like saying that the Earth is not flat but round in the old times. Looks like Science has the answer to everything... you know the saying: "There must be a rationnal explication for this" well there is always a cheap bastard to say it! Of course there is, but science doesn't know everything yet! So it can't rationnalise everything with the little it knows! There is much more to discover out there, and so much believers that there must be some kind of way to truely verify their beliefs. And I am one of those who is just not trying to believe, but trying to see & understand.
Since I kinda like the Vampire myth, I concentrated my studies on them and found one real kind of vampire: Psy-Vamp. I have been searching the Net for two years about vampire stuff, and what I've find is just informations... Then I did a Ouija experience (you know that stiff board with the little heart shaped plastic pointer that talks to you from beyond?) I received two answers: Vampires don't exist, but Psy-Vamp do!... but there is still a big question... Is Ouija real?... Anyway I'm not gonna start on that because I would be out of my subject. If you want Info about ouija, just go some place else!
So anyway, what are Psy-Vamps? Well the term would refer to Psychic Vampires wich are Human with a "bad Psychic gift". I mean, you surely know about psychic people (people doing telepathy'n'stuff) Those people are able to find the red card hidden in a black cards deck of 9 cards or more on the first attempt, or predict things without tools such as Numerology & Astrology...(go see my ESP page) That I can believe cause I witnessed such things. So Psy-Vamps would be the same kind of people, but with more power, and less control. They are called vampires because the tend to "suck" energy from people standing close to them (Great! More Ennemies for Sailor Moon... Sike!) See my links below for more info on Psy-Vamp.
I know many people like me, have interest in vampires, some are saying that they actually are vampires(Role-Play) which I think is cool. Some others are Psy-Vamps, and some claim to be Some Kind Of Real Blood Sucking Humans Hunting Nignt Living Powerful Creatures With Big Teeth... but aren't. :) Some are sucking their own blood just to prove to themselves that they are what they want to be! And finally, others that have seen someone they believed to be a Vampire...
Is there something more than mere science in this world? I know that one day, all my questions will be answered but I hope that it will be before my death. I just hope one day I'll have an answer that I can rely on. The First site on my links section has offered me some good information, but still, I have no ways of verifying it.
Oh! By the way, I live in Quebec, Canada. I am Canadian French, so know that my english might not be THAT good, but I know you can understand what I wrote here...
Please report Mistakes & Typos... tanx!

I moved "The Camarilla Conspiracy" to my Paranoia & Conspiracy page
since I got some news about it

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Vampire Links
So you want to be a Vampire? (links)
POWERS COURT-Mausoleum de Sangue-Main Page
Vampire Page of Labich
Blackey's Page of Vampires
Vampire Duck's Home Page
Vampyres Only
Dark Side of the Web: Vampires/Vampyres Links
The Forbidden Zone
Sabretooth, Inc. Home Page
New York by Night - The Necropolis
Seregoth's Vampire/Goth Page
Vampyric Characteristics
The Amaranth

(Im)Mortals visited my little page... not much! :|
