This page is a growing collection of my small paranoiac mind and of conspiracy theory I gathered around.
Some are Totally Crazy, others are Truely Real, and some are Dangerous Thoughts.

Sickness caused by Tiny Civilisation!
Ever had a cold? Shure you did! But you think that this is a biological virus, naturally made yeah? Well NO! Actually, its a huge powerfull Biological machine made by a very tiny civilisation hiding from humans. Its huge to them, but tiny to us. This tiny civilisation is so small that they are being destroyed by us, our walking feets destroy many cities each days! We are threatening them. They must defend themselves. Since they can't really make damages to us, in order to survive, they builded huge biological machines that are penetrating our system, and destroying us from the inside... (this is called, a sickness) the bio-machines are constantly evolving... one of them: the Automatic Innerdefences Destroyer Systems (or AIDS) which kills our defences, and let the other bio-machines do their dirty work...
Those small civilisation once tried to stop the useless war and live where humans don`t... to hide from us. Most of their civilisation is situated in unpopulated area of the earth. The governement knows about them, and he want to kill them all so we don't go sick anymore. Why do you think they do those so called "Nuclear tests", in vast unpopulated area? Think twice! its to protect us! By killing many defenceless people from the small civilisation. And so, they are forced to continue the war. Protecting themselves, hiding...

Lefty's Beware!
Hello fellow paranoiacs, it is I, Triger, her to bring you one of the most subtle conspiracies going around. Back in the old days, You would be hit if you wrote with your left hand, of course THIS matter of punishing the unwilling lefty's was been considered vanished, yet, the government don't want lefties like you and me anymore. They are using subtle changes in everyday life to make sure we flee to England or Australia. Let me explain...
First off, the car. A well made car features many options, radio, cup holders, heating... but wait, all these options are on the right hand side of the drivers seat. Lefty's can't reach unless the use the godly hand, forcing us to use are right hand. Also, the gas pedal is the right hand side pedal, since most left handed people are also left footed people, this makes it very shitty to drive an automatic. You are probably thinking "Why doesn't he use a manual transmission", well... the stick shift is on THE RIGHT HANDED SIDE. Which is why they WANT us to move to England, everything is backwards.
Second off : restaurants. Yes, even the place I go most refuse my handicap. Go in a restaurant, and look on what side the cutlery is on, fork on left , knives on the right. Making it very difficult to access the right utensil. I bet your saying: "Well go to McDonalds", but no, that's what they want, the want us to go only to fast-food so we will leave. But I refuse to be there peon.
Third off : books. Yes, the only thing that i'm obliged to pick up every day is created to fuck us royally. I personally alway's find it akward to pick up a book and read because I have to bring both hands together to change the page. The government wants us to remain stupid by doing this.
Also, it creates a crappy conformity, like use a computer without changing the mouse from one side of the keyboard to the other. Or try to sit in those college desks with the table integrated and not keep hitting the side. Go into a school, you can't sit next to the window, or you will elbow the wall, so you have to sit beside the door, anticipating the bell, wanting to run out of that easily obtainable wall frame and run to England. To roam free among the other rejects of a right wing society. But don't, we will strive, we are considered the most artistic, intelligent, creative people because we are so. So be proud to raise your hand in class because it WILL BE NOTICED.
I liked this one because... I'm a left-handed too! We will not let ourselves controlled! We will make our lefty voices heard! ALL WE NEED IS A LEADER!

True Aliens or just another X-File?
In the last days, the scientific comunity are argueing about the "discovery" of a amator England astronomer: a extraterrestrial signal comming from EQ Pegasus, a two small suns system situated at 27 lightyears from Earth.
The signal capted by Paul Dore with a small radio-telescope has been distributed to several observatory for analysis. The astronomers don't know what to think about this new discovery. A press conference was said to be done, but we don't know if it has been cancelled or else...
The signal would have been capted the October 22 & 23, which is some weeks after a powerfull Radio-Telescope from Arecibo would have picked a strange signal comming from EQ Pegasus in a project called Phoenix. Astronomers had concluded that it was interferences comming from ourselves. A japanese astronomer confirmed the signal too on Halloween eve.
The SETI program tried in vain to pick up the signal, and they said that this was either a big joke, or interferences...
Now, the things start to get a little more complicated. More & more people are turning their telescope to EQ Pegasus, and conspiracy rumors are starting. (hehe... my fault in a way)
Paul Dore who made the discovery, said that he was visited by three men, one from the NSA (National Security Agency). He said they told him that the signal he picked was from a spy satelite known under the name of "Project 415". A simple explanation that would have convinced him, and that he signed some documents that are prohibiting him to say more.
Article by: Michel Marsolais, Journal de Montr‚al.
Ok! so what we have here is a nice conspiracy plot... why? Because it sounds so typical! We all heard some conspiracy theory in movies where the governement found some stupid explanation, MIB for example, to cover up a story. The NSA found a stupid satelite reason to cover this story. well I'd like to know how a satelite will still be in the way even if you look from many different starting point, and how will it sudently move away so the SETI can't get anything. NSA would have made a better cover up by admitting that it was interferences, or whatsoever. Since the SETI is a governement program, it's shure they didn't hear nothing! But many other heard it. My guess is that they are covering this up, until they know more about it, and then, they may release a fragment of cool information to the public...
How great it is to play with fire!

Did Man Really Walked on the Moon in 1969?
Some of you may remember July 21th 1969 when Neil Armstrong was the first to walk on the moon, minutes before Buzz Aldrin... "One small step for man..." we heard it all... but now, about thirty years later, some still disbelieve it. Some think that NASA, for unknown reason, tricked about 600,000,000 viewers by showing a fake landing. And by the same way, NOT sending astronauts on the moon.
Photographs taken by the astronauts were carefully analysed by experts, in order to try to uncover this big scam.
An american writer, Ralph Ren‚, thinks that due to the intense heat caused by the sun, astronauts would have been cooked as soon as they were into space. He thinks that pictures of Apollo were taken in a governement studio in the state of Nevada. Also, a photograph expert, David Percy, is convinced that the lighting on the pictures of Apollo could only have been taken in a studio on Earth. More than that, he said that a NASA informant confirmed it all to him.
Some details on the pictures are revelants: foot steps under the lunar module BEFORE Armstrong ever set foot, letters written on lunar rocks, the same identification type used on studio objects, no crater under the lunar module after the landing when it should have at least moved an important quantity of moon dust. We can also CLEARLY see the writings "UNITED STATES" on the LEM, even if this part of the LEM should have been in total obscurity (some think that another light source was used for taking the pictures) Even the lunar sky, with NO STARS AT ALL should be filled with them because of the lack of an atmosphere on the moon(NASA would have selected a simple black curtain for sky)
When the two firsts astronauts placed the american flag on the ground, a 16mm camera fixed on the lunar module took a picture. However, Aldrin's shadow was a lot longuer than Armstrong's when the sunlight, the only light source on the moon, wouldn't have done such irregular shadows.
For what purpose NASA could have done that? But to win the Moon Race of course! The URSS were first in the race until that moment! NASA could have tried to create a fake success to win time, and slow the Russians by making them think that the race was over...
Some more interesting facts were mentionned. Like the trail left by the lunar jeep, strangely turning in right angle, trails that could have been left by studio staff in the process of moving the vehicule in place. To obtain such trails, the ground should have been at least a little damp, when the moon's ground is totally dry. Of course, all heros and staff would have been paid a lot to keep secrecy.
Article by: Robert Leblond, Journal de Montr‚al.

The Camarilla Conspiracy
After some readings, and Intense Role Playing, I started paranoying about The Masquerade! Is it real? What if the better way to cover a true things was to reveal it in an unreal way! Take this game: Vampire, The Masquerade. Look at the background story of the game. Everything fits perfectly with things written in the Bible (not That I believe all this stuff, but yet) Noah built a big ship to survive a big flood with Gods Creations. The goal in this was to purify the Earth of its Evil presence (which might be Vampires as explained in the Book of Nod from White Wolf) Everything fits so well. (almost too well...) So those vampires covered up the Masquerade by making us believe in other kind of vampires, (like dracula, other myths...) and kept themselves in the dark all that time. Now, with the fall of most religions, people are starting to be more free to act at their will, and discover more things.
The Masquerade is threatened, so the vampires start a Company (White Wolf), Create a game system, and get the game Vampires: The Masquerade out! The trick is to cover their existance by showing peoples that it is only fiction.
(you know, at the start of their books, it always says something like: This is only fiction, in a world like ours, but more darker... just their vision of it) So people start playing the game, roleplaying, and acting like if they were real vampires. The real Camarilla members know how to distinguish themselves, but can still be inconito within a group of Role-Playing vampires. So There's a Great cover for the real ones!... Think about it!... It may be true! (or I might be insane... I'm not sure) Oh well... we're all doomed anyway...
By showing this to the world, I think I might be visited by the Camarilla one of these day!
Geez! Viva El Paranoia!!!

News about the Camarilla??!
I recently received a nice letter from a "Camarilla Member" about the conspiracy above. It said the following:
Mon ami, (My friend,)
Vous en savez trop sur la Camarilla (You know too much about the Camarilla)
mais -surtout- vous en dites trop. (Even more, you are saying too much)
J'espere que vous ne dormez que d'un oeil...
(Hope you're keeping an eye open when you sleep...)
Well... I just analysed some mistakes you made:
IP:, comming from a student's computer at the Laval University
E-Mail: jmarc@toreador.camarilla.org, Inexistant.
And I think its funny that you sent your letter at 2:30pm...
Of course, you could be a ghoul, but then, how many ghouls have an E-Mail address saying that they're a Camarilla member and telling which Clan they may one day be part of? So I guess that you're the one saying too much! :) Hope you're gonna come back to read this soon... Cya!

More news about the Camarilla
I once more received another E-Mail from that Camarilla guy talking about the fact that he could have hacked a remote computer... ("::" means quotations)
Last time IP: Laval University
this time IP: Laval University
Why hack the same place twice? with a diferent computer?why not have tried to get me by going to an internet coffee to have a completely different IP? oh sorry, it must cost too much ...for a student ;)
::Telnet peut-ˆtre? Ou alors... (Maybe Telnet, or...)
or what? PcAnyWhere? installed on this student computer, hmm...wouldn't stay installed and ready for a day!
::::E-Mail: jmarc@toreador.camarilla.org, Inexistant.
::Evidemment! (Of course!)
then why did you changed it to jm@camarilla.org? an existant
mail server this time. but The user name is unknown. tell me why you attempt to fix your errors from last time without even changing anything?
::::And I think its funny that you sent your letter at 2:30pm...
::Telnet a partir d'un autre fuseau horaire? (telnet from another Time Zone?)
Telnet is a text based remote program... I don`t see how you could use a Geocities tool. I thought it was easier to get logged to a remote unix shell account, and send an E-mail from
there via Telnet...this is more plausible, and far more easier.
about the time: this once you sent it at 19h30, when its dark outside. do I understand that you moved from a time zone or another... or if you stayed, you should live somewhere between Alaska and Tokyo (included) (analyse this yourself with the two times, and times zones :P ). so a big random guess sould state that you live in japan, but uses two computer near me, starting from all over the world, to reach a home page server situated halfway from both of us. doesn't makes sense!
::Envoi differ‚?(Sceduled mail event?)
::Mauvaise heure sur l'horloge du serveur?(Wrong hour on server?)
why proposing many causes... its like you don`t even know what you did! You want me to take you seriously or not?
Now tell me. is that the work of a superior intelligent highly-experienced entity? I can't really aknowledge your threat if all the evidence point me into thinking that you are just a simple fanatic student from the Laval University.
::Et si c'‚tait pour brouiller les cartes,(What if it was meant to lose you?)
::pour semer le doute? (or to confuse you?)
You're the one who sent me an E-Mail in the first time, as a warning that I should take seriously. My guess is that if your warning was serious, you would have made everything possible for me to have no doubt what so ever that the threat was real! Why should I be scared! You don't even know where I live, What school I live in, or what city I live in.
::Pouvez-vous prendre ce risque?... Bonne r‚flexion.(Can you take that risk? good reflexion.)
Yes! I think I can!

...They Know!
I to have found traces of conspiracies right here in Quebec, the EQUIFAX conspiracy. Equifax inc. is a governement run
company with has EVERY SINGLE DETAIL of your life (no joke, very serious). This company's headquarters is found right
here in Montreal. I went there to check up on my file (your allowed) and found a bunch of mistakes in MY PERSONNAL file.
So a strongly request YOU go check your file to make sure your not falsely convictied of manslaughter (don't laugh, it really
happened to a guy in Chicoutimi, he couldn't get a job for 10 years because of it. This company is located at the corner
Jean-Talon & Galerie d'Anjou St. In Montreal (take metro Radisson and transfert on the 44 bus). It is in the EQUIFAX building on the 6th floor, the room you'll be in is very high-teck, and you must fill out a form and have 2 id's. There is about one mistake per file, so go check yours out. To know more about it E-mail me.

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