I fully discovered NIN on December 97. Until then, All I knew about Nine Inch was Closer & Perfect Drug (and other song like Terrible Lies & Down In It that I had already heard, but didn't know it was Nine Inch's). I first heard Mr. Self Destruct which I found extremely good. About a weak later, I decided to buy the album. All I knew about the cover is that it was orange. (The CD wasn't in his beige jacket) So I accidentally bought Broken, and liked it too. I came back a month later with The Downward Spiral. After I knew all the songs, I became a Fan... Some of my friends were fans too, but not as Fan as I am Fan. I think I am more Fan then the Fans I know. (ya following me?) Hey! What can I say! I like NIN, I enjoy NIN, and NIN is now a part of my life! I've found that I liked Industrial music! A-N-Y-W-A-Y! This must be boring so I'll cut to the collection I bought since the New year. (1998)
- Halo1 : Down in It
This is the First single of the Halos. It contains 3 similar version of the song Down in it.
My Rating: 2/10
- Halo2 : Pretty hate Machine
This Halo was the first official Nine Inch Nail Album. It is my all time favorite. The songs in PHM are softer than in most other NIN albums and the most known of this album are Head Like a Hole, Terrible lie and Down in it.
My Rating: 10/10
- Halo3 : Head Like a Hole
I really like this 10 track "single". It contains 4 good re-mixes of Head like a hole (4 version of what the song could have been if structured differently.) 2 versions of terrible lie, and 3 of down in it (one of them being a Demo version)
My Rating: 6/10
- Halo4 : Sin
This single contain 3 version of Sin, and the song Get Down Make Love. I don't like this CD very much, but the cover art is really cool (even if it is just a golden writing, I like the font)
My Rating: 4/10
- Halo5 : Broken
You like smashing song that wreck you mind into slavage? This Hate filled album is the one for you! there are no well known songs on it, but they are all very good.
My Rating: 8/10
There is also the Broken Video which is not an official release due to its "dramatically overviolent" content. It is also considerated as a snuff video by people who think the stuff in there is real, but we can clearly see that nothing of this is real, due to camera angle, and some censored views (not actually seeing what is exactly going on by placing the camera behind the "victim" while they cut his organ in front) The version I have is a copy of a copy of a copy... and the quality suck... but most of it is on the Closure video mentionned below.
- Halo6 : Fixed
The remix of Broken album with a nice pun as a title... the remixes on this album don't sound like songs at all... but still, I really like it. I also noticed that when you listen to the remix, you then hear more instruments in the original version. this can be only understood by experimentation...
My Rating: 5/10
- Halo7 : March of the Pigs
This "single" with 5 of more songs on it (depending on the version you buy) contains the long version of March of the Pigs, and a version of Reptile.
My Rating: 5/10
- Halo8 : The Downward Spiral
This is the most popular album with the famous Closer song. After all those singles, a real album was needed. this is the one. My all time favorite song on this album is Ruiner. The whole album with few exeption talks of depression and hatred.
My Rating: 9/10
- Halo9 : Further Away/Closer to God
This two CD single (depending on the version you bought) contains five version of Closer, one of Heresy, an instrumental re-mix of March of the pigs and a new song called Memorabilia.
My Rating: 6/10
- Halo10: Further Down the Spiral
The Remixes of Downward Spiral, with some nice touch.
My Rating 7/10
- Halo10v2: Further Down the Spiral
Same as above with a live version of Hurt, and 2 bonus remix: Heresy and Ruiner. I like those two a lot.
My rating: 8/10
- Halo11: The Perfect Drug
If you are looking for a CD with Perfect Drug on it, this is not the one you should buy! On this CD, there are 5 remix of the popular song. I bought this one only to complete my collection...
My Rating: 1/10
The official Halo12 is not a CD, but a collection of video clips, and of a live concert on two tapes.
My rating: 11/10
- Halo13: The Day the World Went Away
The long awaited preview to The Fragile was finnally out! It contains three tracks. Two versions of The day the world went away, (I like the quiet one better) and Starfuckers Inc. A really heavy song with a lot of work in it.
My Rating: 7/10
- Halo14: The Fragile
The lastest album that took about four years to realize (all in all) and the Best of NIN ever. Trent truely placed his soul in that record. it is a two CD set, containing 23 tracks overall. And to the rumors that album being the most comercialised due to the popularity of Reznor, it is wrong! It doesn't sound like this album was made for money, with tons of catchy songs... it truely is a chef-d'oeuvre
My Rating: 10/10
Natural Born Killer
The Crow
Lost Highway
Note: I actually bought the last three for the NIN songs
I also have some albums where Trent Reznor gave his touch:
Josh Wink-hear here(contain one song made by Trent, Black Bomb)
Ok so now You know how much I like NIN, Let's show more:
I have a copy of the Broken Video, and i'm going all that I can to get the NIN stuff I still don't have.
Missing a NIN CD?
I now have four NIN T-Shirt:
-Now I'm nothing
-Nine Inch nails Dissonance, Perfermance.
Here are some good links:
Nothing Records
The Unofficial NINE INCH NAILS homepage
Nine Inch Nails Net
NINcarta: A Nine Inch Nails Encyclopedia
Broken Is Not Snuff!
Perfect Little Dream: The Nine Inch Nails Discography
Nails in my Head: A NIN Website
Burn's NIN page
Kyle's NIN Page
Here is Trent and this other guy with a *HUGE* Mixer!!!

Paranoia & Conspiracy
Nine Inch Nails
Out of Body Experience
Links and Stuff
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