I was shooting nails at my foe with my brand new Puncturer when I felt something ripping my back in pieces. I felt my head detach from my body, my guts fly out of my stomac, gibs exploding outward and discusting blood and vessels flying through the air. My eyes bolted away to meet those of someone else. A guy holding a rocket launcher. He was looking at my bloody pieces falling down; An evil grin on his face.

Only when my roasted arms and legs fell on the ground. Only when my head touched earth. Only when the remains of my body splatered down. Only... ...THEN I died!

-Life-Saver, Playing Multiplayer Quake.

GOOD NEWS: It is good to be FINALLY back!!! I had some troubble with geocities in september 99. Somehow, my page got mixed with someone else's. and IT TOOK 7 MONTH FOR GEOCITIES TO REPAIR THEIR MISTAKE!... I got a partial backup back, and found the rest in some outdated backup I found on my computer, and some cache file that were still in some programs... so this is it. I restored everything in a hurry, and most of the links are not working. I suggest you come back to the main menu (this page) to go anywhere else. So until I get back to work on it, enjoy this restored version!

Life-Saver's big logo

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