Hello and welcome to one of my poems it is dark and very meanigful....
I hope you enjoy
" Pain is Pleasure and Pleasure is Pain"
We are the Beasts who walk amongst the Living
And the dead that are waiting to die
Through Darkness comes light
but through Life comes only Death
We are the suffering
Condemed to this unholy place
Bound by our souls
And our blood
Those who look towards the light for guidence
Find no true response
But through Darkness comes pleasure
And through pleasure comes pain.
The soul within my body looks towards the darkness
not because it is evil
But because it calls me
Drawing me into its domain
Night after Night
Offering me its pleasures from within
My body feels its pain
Or is it, its pleasure
As to me they are one of the same
Pain is Pleasure and Pleasure is Pain
The blood within my body is tainted
Tainted with the souls from the living
And the dead
The blood running through my veins is black
Black as the nigth is dark
The claws caressing my heart
Are draining the life and blood from within it
filling it with blood and impurities
From the land of the dead.
The blood from other body and souls
From the living
Or shall we say the dead
As to live is to die
And to die is to live
The blood re-kindles my soul.
As i lay sleeping in my bed
I watch the world
Through the eyes of the dead
Tasting their blood
And feeling their pain
As pain is to pleasure
As pleasure is to pain
My soul becomes one with the dead.
I walk the night alone
Feeling the coldness and emptyness
Of the Night around me
Searching for those like me
My family of the night.
And for the one
The one whose soul i share
To live and endless life
Amongst the creatures of the night.
Once i find that one
The one whose soul i share
We will embrace eternally
Throught life and death
By drinking the blood
From each others soul
We become one
In the land of the living
And the land of the dead
Where our pain is our pleasure
And our pleasure is our pain.
Hope you enjoyed...
I am in the process of writing more please email me and tell me what you thought.....