About Myself
For those of you who don't know me, which is probably everyone, my name is Brett. I live in Elmont on Long Island. I attend college at Polytechnic University and am in my Sophomore year. I major in CompSci and hope to attain a good job after I graduate, unless I win the lotto, than I'll sit home like I've always wanted to.

This picture is of me(person in back) and one of my friends(in the front). This picture was take when we were at the Metallica concert for the Reload tour. We decided to do something a little crazy so we dyed our hair blue, although mine is more noticeable even from a distance.

And this is a better pic of me.

Here's the most recent pic of me, it took a while to get a digital camera so I'm able to finally take pictures.
Here is a fascinating photo a friend sent to me in an email. Hope everyone appreciates it like I did.

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