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Who runs this site?
My name is Arlette (nickname Brynn). I live on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada where I'm pursuing a Bachelor of Education along with another degree at Malaspina University-College. I created this site in August 1997.
How did you get your site on the Internet?
After going to a few HTML tutorial sites, I signed up for a free homepage at Geocities. My site was up five days later.
I'm a frequent visitor of your site and I've noticed that updates don't always occur regularly.
As much as I'd like to update the site on a regular basis, real life has an ugly habit of rearing its head from time to time. In the case of Miss Manners, the updates depend on her schedule as well as mine. Computer problems (hopefully a thing of the past) have also occasionally contributed to delays.
Do you have anything to do with the Star Trek franchise?
Sorry to say, no. Although some of you have sent me some interesting ideas, I don't have influence with anyone involved with the show. I suggest that you direct your suggestions/inquiries to Paramount or the show's official site, The Star Trek Continuum.
Why do you make fun of Voyager? Do you hate the show?
On the contrary, Voyager is one of my favorite shows. I wouldn't waste my time and energy creating a site based on something I hate. Although everyone may not share my sense of humor, nothing I do here is ill-intentioned.
I use Internet Explorer 3.0 as my browser and everytime I access your main page or the Kiddie Corner I get error boxes popping up.
That's because those two pages use javascripts and javascripts are incompatible with IE 3.0. If you use IE 3.0 the pages will display just fine once you get past the error messages.
Who is Miss Manners?
B'Elanna Torres. But if you're referring to her Earthly alter ego, she goes by the name of Ginny McCoy. Ginny has also contributed three stories to the Kiddie Corner. Watch out for her sense of humor -- it's sharper than her bat'leth.
How do questions get picked for Miss Manners' column?
Grouped in sets of fifteen, I try to achieve a balance concerning points of view and topics before I bundle them off to Miss Manners. Optimally, each column only has one question per main character and several from unknown crew members/people.
I sent in a question to Miss Manners a long time ago and I haven't seen it. What gives?
Unfortunately, the questions to Miss Manners come in at such a fast rate that it's impossible to use them all. However, every question is saved so it could always appear at a future date. It's also possible that a virtually identical question was used in a previous column.
My question was answered by Miss Manners but the wording was changed. Why?
Although I try to keep editing to a minimum, I do correct spelling and grammatical errors. Sometimes I also have to rearrange the wording a little to make longer questions more compact.
How can I increase my chances for getting my question in Miss Manners' column?
First, I'd recommend reading a few columns to get a sense of what Miss Manners is all about. Originality, creativity, and a sense of humor will definitely count in your favor. Questions with common themes or topics that have already been covered have a lesser chance of appearing. You might also want to consider writing from the perspective of someone other than a main character. Although some of these questions are used every column, so many come in that most languish in folders on my hard drive. However, if you have a clever question involving a main character, don't hesitate to send it in.
Do you write the music used in your site?
No. Unfortunately, my musical ability is limited to appreciation only. But if you ask me really nicely maybe I'll hum a few bars of the Voyager theme for you ;^).
Where do you get the music for your site?
There are many really good midi sites on the Internet. I've created a list of some of them for those of you searching for midi files:
I use Internet Explorer as my browser and the console that plays the midi files looks like it's lined up incorrectly. How come?
The console I use is designed for Netscape. While you can hear the music with Internet Explorer, the buttons won't display correctly and you won't be able to adjust the volume. However, a right click of your mouse will allow you to stop, play, or pause the music.
What are the names of the songs you use in your various sections?
If you're really curious you can check out this list.
Where do you get your graphics from?
The graphics used in this site are my own creations. Sometimes I incorporate outside photos or images such as the Anne Geddes pictures in the Kiddie Corner.
The only exception to this is the Obituaries section. The background, animated ghost, and tombstones came from Caverns of Blood.
How do you make your graphics? What graphics program do you use?
I use Adobe Photoshop 5.0 and the plug-ins Eye Candy, Kai's Power Tools, and BladePro. Some of my earlier graphics were created with Micrografx Picture Publisher 6.0. If you're seriously interested in creating web graphics, I highly recommend getting a good graphics program -- preferrably one that supports layers and plug-ins.
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Miss Manners ]
[ Secret Agent Man | Kiddie Corner |
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Obituaries |
Voyager Shuttlebay ]