10/11/00 00:25:47
Name: Kim |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: The Star Wars Saga |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Liam Neeson |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Dan at work |
Favorite day of the week: Saturday |
Love the Halloween graphics, Monica, especially the creeping spider. *g* Fun site!
04/11/00 05:26:45
Name: David |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: The Wizard of Oz |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Susan (my heart mate) |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: me |
Favorite day of the week: today |
Your visions are of the eye and the heart. Please keep on dreaming this beauty.
04/04/00 21:28:35
Name: cassie |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: everafter |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: brendan fraser |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: nick brown |
Favorite day of the week: saturday |
i love you site, its great!! keep up the good work!! cass : )
02/19/00 05:31:09
Name: Jake |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Braveheart..starwars |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Kathy Ireland.....Kathy could eat BBQ ribs in my bed and not get kicked out |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: coworker--jeff |
Favorite day of the week: Thursday......online ad&d night |
hey there...just looking for people(female) that have the same interest as I....not an easy task....for a RPG playing starwars nut country boy from Texas, ya know your a jedi-redneck if ya got a cb-radio and a lightsaber in the gunrack on your speeder.
01/07/00 18:05:37
Name: Amanda Shumate |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Favorite day of the week: saturday |
I love fairies and enjoyed messing around here, Thanks! Have a wonderful day!
p.s. what is URL?
01/07/00 18:01:27
12/23/99 04:50:00
Name: Laurie Anne |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: OZ, AllyMcB, The Sentinel |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Michael Madsen, Liam Neeson:), Michael O'Hare |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: My two male coworkers!! |
Favorite day of the week: Tuesday |
this glossary was so helpful!! I didn't have to ask a lot of dumb questions on the list, and it was too, too funny.
12/12/99 05:17:55
Name: Dande |
My URL: Visit Me |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Liam Neeson, Steve Young of San Fran 49er's, Harrison Ford, Pierce Brosnan |
Favorite day of the week: Thursday |
Monnie Rocks!
she is funny and friendly and a great writer!
12/10/99 14:42:28
Name: Ziggy |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Anything Star Wars, Labyrinth, Muppets |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Oh gee, I wonder Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, David Bowie |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: My philosophy teacher, lol! |
Favorite day of the week: any day that I can read Jedi smut!!!! |
MonnieMonnieMONNIE!!!! Yeah, I got bored and decided to peruse your site, lol! Love it, loads of fun! May the Force be with you in new and unusual ways, lol!
12/09/99 18:09:26
Name: Diebin |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Star Wars!!! |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Ewan, baby. I wouldn't kick him out for anything. |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Anakin Skywalker. Preferably a good kick when he's standing in front of an open airlock. Whoops. |
Favorite day of the week: Smut Day |
I love Monica! I love Monica! =) Thanks for making this nifty guide to the perverted and confused minds of US, Monnie. I love it.
11/25/99 17:29:03
Name: Eiluned |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: The X-Files/Star Wars: TPM |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Liam Neeson & Ewan McGregor (together, preferably) |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: whoever produces the Pokemon cartoon |
Favorite day of the week: Saturday |
Beautiful site, Monica!
10/14/99 21:57:33
Name: Dorotea |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: X-Files, followed by The Phantom Menace |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Liam Neeson, David Duchovny, Ewan McGregor, Gillian Anderson! |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Too many to list! |
Favorite day of the week: Friday, I enjoy the anticipation of the weekend! |
Great Page Monica!
08/06/99 19:35:07
Name: Matthew J. Sawyer |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Crime Story/ Saving PVT Ryan, for now. |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Nichol Kiddman |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: MIsty, My girl friend!! |
Favorite day of the week: Thats a hard one, I don't really have one. |
Great page, I'll come back again.
07/23/99 19:08:05
Name: Monica. I'm bored and decided to sign my own guestbook. :D |
My URL: Visit Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Buffy, X-Files, TPM. . . I could go on and on. . . |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Right now? Ewan McGregor and Liam Neeson. In fact, I'd take both of them together. |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Where to start. . . |
Favorite day of the week: Friday. I get to see my friends on Friday. |
Hi. Got bored. Signed my own book. :D
06/22/99 08:37:04
Name: Pyremroph Flux |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Garrett Wang, Robbie McNeill, David Duchovny, Ewan McGregor, Denzel Washington, Russell Crowe, I could list these all day;P |
You have a lovely page! Cute cyberpets, pretty web jewels:)
05/26/99 15:06:12
Name: Georgia |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: The X-Files, Wonder Woman, Lance Link Secret Chimp, Astro Boy, G-Force - Battle of the Planets, Daria, The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, Willy Wonka... |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Trent Lane from Daria...(Do cartoon characters count?) |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: A young man I know who wouldn't stop talking about all his ex-girlfriends. |
Favorite day of the week: Thursday |
I like your page. I was impressed to see someone else who includes Willy Wonka as one of their favourites, and your birthday is only two days away from mine. That may or may not mean anything:)
05/02/99 18:41:02
Name: Madeline |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Daria, the old Sliders, the Prisoner, the Pretender / Dark Crystal, Labrynth, Willow, Jason & the Argonauts/ Legend/ Real Genius |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Val Kilmer/ Billy Idol/ Sean Connery |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Do squirrels count as people? |
Favorite day of the week: Wednesday |
Awesomw page & beautiful pics!
04/07/99 07:06:43
Name: Craig |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Ninja Scroll and Boorman's Excalibur |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Lauren Davis (currently top of the list) |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: whoever designed the wings on the new Grand Am's |
Favorite day of the week: Monday |
I don't work Mondays and run a CyberPunk game in the evenings.
03/22/99 21:59:54
Name: Ben Church |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Show: Buffy or Daria/Movie: Addams Family or Glory or GIJoe or Transformers or MST3K |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Tori Amos, Christinna Ricci |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Bill Clinton |
Favorite day of the week: Saturday |
LOL at your quotes page! And by the way, glad you liked my stories! I will most definately keep writing!
Shameless plug for the rest of my pages: Check em out! :)
Ren Faires are cool. I go to the Maryland Ren Faire every year.
01/31/99 21:03:55
Wishing you good thoughts today

01/30/99 19:44:11
Name: richard park |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: friends |
Favorite day of the week: thursday |
nice page
12/17/98 16:53:59
Name: Cecile |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Ordinary People |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Kevin Spacey |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Trent Lott |
Favorite day of the week: Saturday |
Great meeting you last night with Daphne! Love the web site...best of luck in all (theatre, home, love) and hope to see you again in '99!
12/08/98 00:24:01
Name: Jillian D. Syriac |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: X-Files/Pretty Woman |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Kevin Bacon, Keifer Sutherland |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Sara (best bud) |
Favorite day of the week: Saturday |
Very nice! ; )
10/23/98 00:07:16
Name: Thomas "get your hand out of my croch" Ward |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Need I repeat it again? Well, for those who do not know me it is by all means STAR WARS! |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Hmm...this is a tough one right now, but here goes. Males: Harrison Ford, and Sean Connery. Females: Heather Graham, Elizabeth Shue, Sarah Michelle Gellar and (lets see who can g
t this one...) MichLast person you thought needed a good kick in the butt. |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: My good dear friend Sarah. |
Favorite day of the week: Well... I'd have to say right now it is Wednesday. |
Well Monnie, I know that it has been a while since I have been to the site, but I love it and think it is great. I especially like the Halloween decorations! Great job!
10/15/98 11:09:21
Name: Michael Clear |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: South Park |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Jeri Ryan |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Me (I'm a masochist) |
Favorite day of the week: Saturday |
I plead the fifth. No, seriously, I like the way you dressed your page up for Halloween.
10/15/98 10:00:39
Just surfing. Thanks.
10/06/98 18:47:15
Name: Gwen |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: guess!!! |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: would I sound like a groupie by saying david d.? |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: my entire world politics class |
Favorite day of the week: any day I get mail |
Great page monica! I just signed up for geek check...email me sometime!!!!!
09/25/98 21:41:05
Hey, Monica!
Very interesting site (very you). Great colors on the main page and I liked the May Ren Faire quotes on conversational collisions...
09/15/98 02:43:56
Name: Isabel Church |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: oo, that's a tuffy. I think Two Stupid Dogs wins out for the moment. |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Harrison Ford, and Ralph Feinnes |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Honestly, Adam Mencarini, but I wont tell you why. |
Favorite day of the week: Thursdays. They're very underrated. |
I like this page! Very asthetically pleasing, though it does take a while to load....
09/04/98 00:19:12
Name: Adam Mencarini |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Star Wars |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Drew Barrymore |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Bill Gates |
Favorite day of the week: Friday |
Randomness is the spice of life - thanks for joining the ring!
08/30/98 06:00:33
Name: Tim "Gotta Get Me A Game Face" Dover |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: The list is growing rapidly: Buffy:TVS, Ally McBeal, X-Files, Star Trek (Each and every series!), Highlander (TV), Sliders, Earth Final Conflict, and Dr. Who! |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: This list is growing...: Gillian Anderson (Pant, Pant), Marina Sirtis (Pant), Sarah Michelle Geller (Gasp), Jeri Ryan (Sigh), and Kari Wurher (Depends on the size of the crum
s) |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Hmmmm...Bill Clinton? |
Favorite day of the week: Saturday! |
Thanks for turning me on....to Buffy that is! I think I've been assimilated...oops, wrong show...er, bitten by the Buffy bug. I guess I'll have to see if I can fit one more show into the weekly taping lineup! The site is looking good and I'm wating to
ee what other web jewels you can come up with! I'll drop by later! Ciao baby!
08/28/98 23:05:21
Name: Raven |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Buffy the Vampire Slayer & the X-Files |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Tony Head could eat whatever he wanted in my bed, and I don't think I'd care!! |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Grant Waters |
Favorite day of the week: Tues! |
Figured it had been a while since I signed the book last. been to busy getting my own page up... the things you get me into!
Thanks Monica for the "Special Thanks" page. I love it.
My Love Always,
08/07/98 05:21:31
Name: Nicole Travers |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: It all depends on why they are in my bed in the first place... |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Never thought of that. There are lots of people that I would like to see bleeding on open roads, but that's neither here nor there. |
Favorite day of the week: Friday |
This is my thanks for your signing my book... you seem like a neat person.
07/30/98 21:34:47
Name: Timothy Dover |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Star Trek/X-Files |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Gillian Anderson (pant, pant) |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Henrik Harbin |
Favorite day of the week: Friday! |
Super site Mon! Totally cool graphics! I'm truly not worthy...
07/26/98 03:42:05
Name: SparklFary |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: too many to mention |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Mel Gibson, of course! |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: me neighbor, Brad the Hun |
Favorite day of the week: Friday night |
Please come visit my website! I appreciate your comments, too.
Your site was lovely.
Remember: love sparkles!
From SparklFary
07/14/98 04:35:46
Name: jay, the one true entryless dictionary. |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: either of the gremlins movies, especially the second, are very dear to me. "bye, billie .." *sniffle* |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: bah! eating crackers in my bed? do you know how annoying that is, how tedious crumbs are to clean? i'd have to wash all my sheets, vaccuum the mattress and bedspread ... no one
would be spared. bLast person you thought needed a good kick in the butt. |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: me. i always need a kick in the butt, but no one ever seems willing to give one without calling me an idiot. i'm talking GENTLE kicks. |
Favorite day of the week: saturday! |
very nifty as far as pages go; the main index was a little hefty on loading time, but my computer is a piece of junk left over from times long forgotten. you know who i am, i guess, at least vaguely, so realize that nothing i say means anything important
07/14/98 02:33:27
Name: Jon |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Drew Carrey Show/ Empire Strikes Back (Star Wars) |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Jennifer Love Hewitt |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: My friend |
Favorite day of the week: Everyday!! |
Cool page! Just surfin by and I thought I would say, "Cool page!" before I left... :) Check out my page and Ill talk to yaz later...
07/13/98 06:50:26
Name: Pierce Bryant |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Pretty much anything out of my studios - everything else is taudry trash. |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: I must demure from this line of questioning, I am afraid. |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Elizabeth Barthory needs more than a kick in the 'butt'. |
Favorite day of the week: What a question...Monday |
A clever webpage, Monica. Perhaps someday I will congratulate you on it in person?
07/09/98 20:27:58
Name: Pagino |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Scent of a Woman (w/ Al Paccino) |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Jennifer (from Friends) |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Tony, my nephew |
Favorite day of the week: Saturday ... |
Cool site, check out mine, one hint .. get rid of the little geocities brand on the corner of your site, by placing the following script ..
.. take care .. pagino ..
Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 08:12:26
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you! 
06/27/98 00:04:43
Name: Thomas Ward |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Well, let me think about this one, um I guess I'll have to go with...STAR WARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Greatest Movie Trilogy ever made!!!!! |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: There are just so many of them ...Teri Hatcher, Sandra Bullock, Helen Hunt, Meg Ryan, Sarah Michelle Geller, Teri Farrel, Elizabeth Shue, Elizabeth Hurley, Nana Visitor, Gillian An
erson, well, IthinkLast person you thought needed a good kick in the butt. |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Sean, I would definately have to go with Sean. |
Favorite day of the week: Friday...definately, definately...definately Friday. |
Well, It's about frickin' time that I left my long missing mark on this page. I mean geez, it took me long enough to find it. No offense to you of course Monnie! It is a cool page though. But you realize of course that it will pale in comparison to my
page...that is as soon as its done. HAHAHAHAHAHA
06/14/98 02:30:45
Name: Christy "Oh, no no no no no no hun" Decker |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: X-FILES!!!!! The Truth About Cats and Dogs, the two latest James Bond movies...and whatever I've just seen, usually...'The Practice', 'Ally McBeal', and assorted others... |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Pierce Brosnan can eat crackers in my bed *any day*. |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: The person that Raven said, that we don't need to name names about. We all know who *that* person is....(now watch...everybody's going to get paranoid....*grin*....but I am not blowing w
nd up anyoneFavorite day of the week |
Favorite day of the week: Thursday, because no one ever picks Thursday.... |
Hey Monica, it was about time I started clogging up your page, so here I am. And wouldn't you know it, I can't think of anything clever now! Damn!
05/27/98 00:27:59
Name: Gwen "Kiss me, I'm confused" Reimer |
My URL: Visit Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Sense and Sensibility...I guess I'm a sucker for romance and happy endings. What's that they say about always wanting what you don't have?? t |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: David Duchovny, any member of Everclear, Angel..no, not David B., Angel goddamit, and of course, my close and personal friend Brad Pitt who "wishes I was there so that he could tel
me in person" |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Someone we all love to hate...no names are necessary |
Favorite day of the week: everyday before I wake up |
MoNICa...love the new backgrounds and other cool stuff. What's this I hear about you in the hot tub last fri. nite???
05/24/98 21:59:54
Name: GOD hahaha... well no actualy its just andrew again |
My URL: Visit Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Beetlejuice |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Lady from "Lady and the Tramp" Grrooowwl! |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Fate... oh and Karma |
Favorite day of the week: wouldn't you like to know |
sorry, just thought say hi again... oh and by the way.. Im perfectly well today (Sun. 24th) Goes to show you... what it shows you im not sure but it sure shows it well...
05/09/98 06:02:26
Name: Gwen |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Beverly Hills 90201...j/k! :) |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Greg Eklund |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: my little brother |
Favorite day of the week: Friday...there are other days of the week???? |
MONICA!!!!!!! Your page is tres cool.
05/09/98 05:59:42
04/25/98 14:34:07
Name: Morgan"are you a goth?" Apel |
My URL: Visit Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: The X-Files, Frasier, Forever Knight, Highlander, Mystery Science Theater, |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Sean Connery |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: President Clinton and Monica Lewinski |
Favorite day of the week: Friday!!! |
04/20/98 22:28:04
Name: Raven |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: BtVS, X-Files, and I suddenly need to include Caddfael from PBS... hmmm, odd that. Oh &must not forget The Princess Bride! |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Anthony Stewart Head. Need a good Giles fix! |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Any person who bugs me in a mailing list about voting for somone in some dumb poll!! |
Favorite day of the week: Any day that doesn't include me being involved in the AM part of it :) |
Welcome to Monica's posting Boar...I mean Guest Book. Yeah, that's it. :) Just wanted to stop in and say Hi. So "Hi!" :::waves vigorously:::
Um, oh, and if your not getting pretty colors and stuff on all of Monica's pages, it's not her fault. Some servers aren't accessing it, I guess. So try a diffrent server, 'cause they're pretty and all.
BTW: Anyone like the Awakening? Where are the rest of yours. :::lifting eyebrow::: Hmmm?
:-X Kisses all around,
04/15/98 21:53:13
Name: Andrew "the Dream Boat" Ramos |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: anything soft pron :)' |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Elisabeth Shue and her nipple of power |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: we shouldn't go around "kicking people in the butt", we should live in peace and harmony. Live, love and... um... well... Liberty.... ya... liberty, gotz to love that... and kittens, with
realy big piFavorite day of the week |
Favorite day of the week: March |
I think my Last Person thingy says it all or do you think I need to prove something! Well, I dont need to prove anything to you or to anyone... see, because Im like the wind! Im here... then im not so... there... and well.. ya!
04/15/98 21:46:24
Name: Garrett "Just a guy" Burrell |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: "Real Genius" "Shawshank Redemption" "Pump Up the Volume" "Ferris Buellers Day Off" "Parker Lewis Can't Lose" "Quantum Leap" "MacGyver" "The X-Files" "Mystery Science Theater 3000" ---That enough? |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Wynona Ryder |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Give Keanu Reeves a good kick in the butt for me, will ya? While you're at it, smack Immanuel Kant in the back of the head too... |
Favorite day of the week: Thursday |
"Oh, maybe you are smarter than me, but can you do this...?"
04/15/98 21:31:40
Name: Andrew Ramos |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Simpsons(not just for kids) |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: As long as they're female... NONE!! |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Everyone I come across *KICK* |
Favorite day of the week: one that ends in "Y" |
Monica, you truly are a evil evil thing... *S*
J/K you know we love you...
04/02/98 01:55:11
Name: Sean "Zep Norton" Freese |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Toss up bet/ "Buckaroo Bonzai," "Dune," and "Raising Arizona" |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Sorry, I just can't excuse that for anyone. |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Rudolph Gulianni |
Favorite day of the week: That third one |
I like what you've done with thee place. Yeah, not bad. A good paint job, a coupla throw pillows. . . You could really have something here.
03/27/98 03:47:19
Name: Monica |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Buffy, X-Files, Anything sci-fi-ish or fantasy based. |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Nick Brendon! :::Rrrowlll::: |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: I'm with Raven on this one: Fate's been a total Bitch to me lately. Maybe I should break up with her. |
Favorite day of the week: I don't have one right now. |
:::sigh::: All these entries in my Guestbook, and only one is someone I have no sort of friendship over. Oh well! Geocities is screwing around with my pages, and half the time, the backgrounds don't show up. . . Am I whining? Most likely. Ah well. I
needed to vent. :)
03/25/98 20:38:01
Name: Raven |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: BtVS, X-Files, Much Ado About Nothing, The Princess Bride |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Robert Sean Leonard (saw Dead Poet's Society again last night, yeah, he'll do!) |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Fate- for dealing me a crappy hand this month |
Favorite day of the week: Mmmm, Kind of digging Wed. right now |
Love the color behind all my words on the Mage Page. But now that you've got that working, it looks like your main page is flipping out on you. I still havn't been able to see the pretty new wallpaper you've supposedly put in. I just had to leave a note
LOOK below this post!! A new person signed your guest book, and I don't even recognise their e-mail addy! Cool. (And here I was starting ot think that this was a private club... :)
03/17/98 06:15:54
Name: Zak |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Some Like it Hot & What's Eating Gilbert Grape (uh, such similar films, huh?) |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Any of the cast members from BtVS... |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Hmmmm...my oldest sister (for *ahem* borrowing my car...) |
Favorite day of the week: Tuesdays |
Heya Monica! Nifty page...I like your idea for the game, look forward to seeing how it goes. (I assume you'll be posting the story as it progresses ::grin:: Zeeya.
Zak Z.
03/09/98 15:52:02
Name: Timothy Dover |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Star Trek (Duh!) |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Gillian Anderson and Jeri Ryan! |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: You don't know her... |
Favorite day of the week: Saturday |
For a basic page, this is not so bad. You have page counting, a guest book and links. I'm impressed! You need better layout, but that will come with time and assistance. I'd be happy to help! Otherwise, its pretty kick ass!
03/03/98 23:25:14
Name: Raven |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: I have a sudden weakness for Anthony Stewart Head. :) |
The rest of those are still the same as before. Hey, The Awakening text is looking pretty good!!
The posting board is not a bad idea. You broke fifty on the hits!!! yea!
Keep up the work, hopefully you'll hit 100+ at some point. (Though I have to wonder who else has been on this board, only your buddies sign the book. ) So sign you guys!!
;) Raven
01/29/98 04:09:41
Name: Damsel Miriam |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Buffy, Forever Knight, X-Files, MST3K |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: David Duchovney, Paul Mercurio, Pierce Brosnan, Antonio Banderas, Adrian Paul, my my my, the list goes on and on.... |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: The Spice Shits. Nuff said. |
Favorite day of the week: FRIIIIIDDDDAAAYYY!!! (Duh!) |
I did this before Mon, so you can't complain about me not signing your guestbook....I've done it twice now!
01/28/98 01:08:11
Name: Monica, AGAIN! |
Your Favorite show/movie: See below. . . |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: See below. . . |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Raven. |
Favorite day of the week: the days I can sleep in. |
Geez, think I should put together a posting board? Raven, I swear to all that I hold holy that I'm going to kick your ass! Thanks for the comments, though. Of course, I don't have to TAKE them. . . :D
01/27/98 20:09:29
Name: Raven (the constant poster) |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Buffy tVS, X-Files |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Oh Eeethaaan, the week's not out yet. |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Probably Monica >:) |
Favorite day of the week: Tuesdays Rule! |
At this point I'm going to start omitting the above information, unless it changes. I apparently end up on this guest book all the time. But I so like to tease Monica into thinking that someone else has been looking at her page.
The mage update is nice, looks good. You might want to explain why the characters have the same names as your friends. Your concept is interesting and fun to play, others might like to try it.
I promise to get you that character write up as soon as possible. If you want my Awakening, just let me know. (What's this crap about "typical" We are NOT typical!)
;) Raven
ps. Chris I saw that! But we both already knew you had good taste... to say nothing of tas... :::Raven's own hands take control and refuse to type that!::: Okay, Okay, I'll be good...
01/27/98 03:17:49
Name: Monica, again |
My URL: Visit Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: Buffy/Willy Wonka. :D |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Pierce Brosnan |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Raven :D |
Favorite day of the week: Friday |
I read your little "comments" Raven, and you're in trouble! >:) And I did so find out my password, so there. :P
Oh, one more thing: BITE ME!
01/24/98 20:30:21
Name: Still Raven |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: recently an addict of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (X-Files still, too!) |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Flavor of the week--> Ethan Hawke |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Well, my boss got fired! YEA! So how 'bout all the people who don't say "sorry wrong number" and just hank up on you instead. |
Favorite day of the week: Still Tues. |
Monica probably doesn't want anyone to know this, which is why I'm going to tell you, but she can't remember the password to edit her own page. So don't hold your breath, but hopefully she will find it and update this soon.
01/17/98 14:49:45
Name: Christopher Visser |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: X-Files / 12 Monkeys |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Gillian Anderson, Mira Sorvino, Kate Winslet, Lucy Lawless, Michelle Pfeiffer (Don't let Raven see this list...) |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Yours truly |
Favorite day of the week: Saturday |
Three tried and true methods to survive a Canadian winter: 1) Wear multiple layers of thick, warm clothing; 2) Try to stay sheltered from the wind; 3) Whatever you do, for crying out loud, don't eat the yellow snow.
01/03/98 03:32:05
Name: Damsel Miriam |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: X-Files, Titanic, American Werewolf in Paris, etc, etc...the typical fanboy stuff... |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Antoooooniooooo...Mmmmmm...David Duchovny, (Grrr) and Paul Mercurio....and Adrian Paul. though he has an ego... |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Just one? |
Favorite day of the week: FRIDAY!!!!! |
Howdy doody, this is the best page I've ever seen!!! It's phenomenal!! I think it should get some sort of award or something....
12/18/97 02:45:54
12/17/97 04:24:26
Name: Monica(who is desperate enough to sign her own page) |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: MST3K/Scream |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: David Duchovny |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Only one! |
Favorite day of the week: Friday |
I finally got this thing to work! Whoo-hoo!
12/17/97 04:19:56
Name: Raven |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite show/movie: X-Files!! |
Celebrity(s) you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers?: Only ONE? there's so many! |
Last person you thought needed a good kick in the butt.: Orley Calliceri <-my boss revenge is fun! |
Favorite day of the week: Tues. just for fun! |
Look Monica finnaly got this thing to work! Yeah! All my best wishes on the page. Want some poetry? :) Anytime,
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