
-A Minor Shadowrun Node-
I have taken all knowledge to be my
- Francis Bacon, 1592
I am a predator. Killing is just
one of the things I do.
- Lyle Canthros, 2053
This node was last updated on 08-05-59.
List of updated or new material:
I got some more stuff for you, folks, so I'm hoping you'll pardon the delay
a bit...
Ripthorn's Shadowrun
Virtual Magespace
Shapcano's Shadowrun
Story - Cool stuff! Shapcano made use of some of what's here in one
of his stories, check it out!
Copperhead a character submitted by
Spells that you've probably not seen
before, submitted by
artifacts inspired by H.P. Lovecraft, submitted by
James Hagen
Evil Spells - more mystical mayhem from
James Hagen
Some House Rules on the use
of Trode Sets in Shadowrun.
spells that have more application in a
character's 'normal life'...
Arcanery - a few ideas for magical weapons
you may not have seen before.
Helion Microdrones are finally done (thank
you, Rigger 2:) and their stats are now available...
The addition of two new awards
has made the second column here a bit too long for convenience, so I've moved
the awards to a separate page for ease fo
We have a couple of new comments
running around - one on the
Chainsaw and one on the
Lone Wolf Heavy Pistol. Both comments
are from Short Fix.
Some of you may have noticed
the link to a feedback form below. Well, the good news is that it works now.
Knock yourselves out.
05 August 2059 at 09:25:57 (EST)
Well, you've probably noticed that it a) took way longer that it should have to get this latest update out and b) the site still looks the same as always. There are a couple of reasons for this: (1) John's a lazy punk, (2) John's been busy with college and a job, (3)... there is no (3). More "Good" News: I'm working on some shell scripts (sed, grep and awk. Oh, yeah...) to automate things a tad (so that I don't have to edit all the files to get printable versions or change the format of the site or ...). With some luck, there should even be the capability to add comments (without having to send them to me). Unfortunately, that means the site will have to move (since Geocities doesn't appreciate people running their own cgi on the server - go figure). Well, more on that as it develops.
05 August 2059
case you want them (and/or you've got Netscape or IE 3.0 or better) the
fonts (file size: 172Kb) I've used here
are available for download. Note: These fonts are for Windows. I do not know
if they will work on a Mac or Unix machine.
WebCounter has
shadows through this node since April 24,
1996. Feel free to bring your chummers past here, I can always use the
you can see, I've posted quite a bit of my stuff out here where you can get
to it. Have fun with it and be sure to send me any feedback on it...If I've
borrowed from any source other than myself, there should be a reference,
at the least. If it isn't mine and there is no source listed, then I've lost
the source or did not have it to begin with. If you know where any such
information comes from, please let me know. Feel free to correct any errors
that may exist, I'm certainly not infallible and mistakes are sure to crop
All articles at The Shapeshifter's Lair are copyright by their
original author(s). Shadowrun is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation.
Original Shadowrun material Copyright 1994 by FASA Corporation. All Rights
Reserved. Used without permission. Any use of FASA Corporation's copyrighted
material or trademarks in this file should not be viewed as a challenge to
those copyrights or trademarks.
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