Welcome to the un-official Homepage of the 'official' Tamora Pierce fan club!

Tamora Pierce

Who is Tamora Pierce?

Tamora (Tammy) Pierce is a Young Adult fantasy writer. Her books include the "Song of the Lioness Quartet" and the "Immortals" series.  Both are 4-part (quartet) series that take place in a fictional world in the fictional country of Tortall.  Her new series is called "Circle of Magic" and takes place in an all new universe.  Check out a list of all her books

The Club

The fan club is based on AOL.  If you have AOL already, it's in the Fantasy Message Boards.  When you're there, open up the "Sword and Sorcery" board and then go to the "Tamora Pierce!" folder.  We're a really nice group of people, and I mean that.  Tammy posts there occasionally.  Her online AOL Screen name is "Hedgewitch"  Also, visit Tammy's homepage.

Fan Club Officers

Our 'officers' are:

Lady Xiphias Our Prime Minister (President)

LdyFthr  Our Lady Chamberlain (Vice Presideny)

Nicci95  Our First Scholar (Secretary)

Sera  (me!) the keeper of this here page

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Oh come on, I know  more than people like Tammy's books! Tell your friends about this!!!

E-Mail: tpiercefanclub@geocities.com

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