Adams, Douglas -
Mostly Harmless (Hitchhiker's Guide #5) (January 1994)
Adams, Douglas -
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (October 1993)
Alcott, Louisa May - Little Women (April 1995)
Alesse, Craig - Don't Take My Picture (May 1995)
Angelou, Maya -
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Angelou, Maya and Tom Feelings -
Now Sheba Sings the Song (December 1993)
Angelou, Maya -
Oh Pray My Wings Are Gonna Fit Me Now (December 1993)
Angelou, Maya -
On the Pulse of Morning: The Inaugural Poem (November 1993)
Angelou, Maya - Shaker, Why Don't You Sing? (January 1994)
Angelou, Maya - The Heart of a Woman (January 1994)
Angelou, Maya -
All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes (January 1995)
Angelou, Maya -
Wouldn't Take Nothing for My Journey Now (July 1995)
Angelou, Maya - The Complete Collected Works of Maya Angelou (July 1995)
Angelou, Maya - Phenomenal Woman (September 1995)
Arvey, Michael - Reincarnation (January 1997)
Auel, Jean -
Clan of the Cave Bear (Earth's Children Series) (July 1995)
Auel, Jean - The Valley of Horses (August 1995)
Auel, Jean -
Mammoth Hunters (Earth's Children #3) (September 1995)
Auel, Jean -
Plains of Passage (Earth's Children #4) (November 1995)
Bach, Richard -
Jonathan Livingston Seagull (January 1996)
Bantoch, Nick -
Griffin & Sabine: An Extraordinary Correspondence (February 1996)
Bradbury, Ray -
Something Wicked This Way Comes (May 1993)
Bradbury, Ray - Illustrated Man
Bradbury, Ray -
Dandelion Wine (September 1993)
Brown Jr., H. Jackson - Life's Little Instruction Books (April 1994)
Brown Jr., H. Jackson - Live and Learn and Pass It On (December 1994)
Buttino, Frank and Lou Buttino - A Special Agent Gay and Inside the FBI (December 1997)
Carville, James -
We're Right, They're Wrong: A Handbook for Spirited Progressives (May 1996)
Chadwick, Gloria - Discovering Your Past Lives (June 1995)
Cribb, Larry - How You Can Make $25,000 A Year With Your Camera (May 1995)
Douglass, Frederick -
Frederick Douglass's Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (October 1994)
Eberts, Marjorie and Rachel Kelsey - Careers for Cybersurfers & Other Types (October 1998)
Ellison, Ralph -
Invisible Man (June 1994)
Garner, James Finn - Politically Correct Bedtime Stories (June 1995)
Gibbon, David - San Francisco A Picture Book to Remember Her By (June 1996)
Gilbert, Dale L. - Complete Guide to Starting a Used Bookstore (August 1996)
Goodrich, Frances and Albert Hackett - The Diary of Anne Frank (November 1993)
Griffin, John Howard - Black Like Me (February 1995)
Grisham, John - The Firm (July 1993)
Grisham, John - The Runaway Jury (November 1997)
Grisham, John - The Client (September 1994)
Grisham, John - A Time to Kill (December 1995)
Grizzard, Lewis - Elvis is Dead and I Don't Feel So Good Myself
Hacker, Tina (ed.) - Follow Your Dream (April 1994)
Haley, Alex - Roots (February 1995)
Hamilton, Jane - The Book of Ruth (August 1998)
Hardy, G.H. - A Mathematician's Apology (October 1994)
Harris, Thomas - The Silence of the Lambs (March 1995)
Heinlein, Robert A. - Job: A Comedy of Justice
Heller, Joseph - God Knows (January 1992)
Hemingway, Ernest - In Our Time (November 1993)
Hesse, Hermann - Steppenwolf (August 1994)
Hesse, Hermann - Gertrude (August 1997)
Hesse, Hermann - Demian (August 1994)
Hesse, Hermann - Peter Camenzind (March 1999)
Hesse, Hermann - Narcissus and Goldman (September 1995)
Hesse, Hermann - Siddhartha (September 1995)
Hesse, Hermann - Beneath the Wheel (September 1995)
Hooks, Bell - Ain't I a Woman (March 1994)
Hornby, Nick - High Fidelity (August 1998)
Hurmance, Belinda (ed.) - My Folks Don't Want Me To Talk About Slavery
Huxley, Aldous - Brave New World (June 1992)
King, Stephen - Needful Things (February 1997)
King, Stephen - Dolores Claiborne (October 1996)
King, Stephen - The Shining (January 1999)
King, Stephen - Carrie (January 1997)
King, Stephen - Gerald's Game (January 1998)
King, Stephen - Misery (January 1997)
King, Stephen - The Tommyknockers (November 1996)
Lamb, Wally - She's come Undone (September 1998)
MacLaine, Shirley - You Can Get There From Here (November 1996)
MacLaine, Shirley - Out on A Limb (April 1995)
MacLaine, Shirley - It's All in the Playing (April 1995)
MacLaine, Shirley - Going Within (April 1995)
Maclean, Norman - A River Runs Through It (March 1995)
McMurtry, Larry - Lonesome Dove (December 1992)
McWilliams, John-Roger and Peter - The Portable Life 101
Miller Arthur - The Crucible (February 1996)
Mitchard, Jacquelyn - the Deep End of the Ocean (September 1998)
Moore, William L. and Charles Berlitz - The Philadelphia Experiment (December 1996)
Morrison, Toni - The Bluest Eye (May 1996)
Morrison, Toni - Beloved (December 1998)
Murphy, Joseph - The Power of Your Subconscious Mind (April 1994)
Neff, James - the Capture of a Serial Rapist (November 1997)
Neihardt, John G. - Black Elk Speaks
Perutz, Kathryn - Liberated Marriage (December 1998)
Rand, Ayn - Anthem
Redfield, James - The Celestine Prophecy (October 1995)
Reynolds, Sheri - The Rapture of Canaan (September 1998)
Rice, Anne - Interview With a Vampire (October 1995)
Rosenthal, Ed and Steve Kubby - Why Marijuana Should Be Legal (November 1998)
Slatalla, Michelle and Joshua Quittner - Masters of Deception (November 1997)
Smiley, Jane - Moo (September 1995)
Smith, Betty - A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (January 1995)
Stowe, Harriet Beecher - Uncle Tom's Cabin (February 1995)
Strathern, Paul - Plato in 90 Minutes (July 1997)
Thurber, James - My Life and Hard Times (August 1994)
Tolkien, J.R.R. - The Hobbit
Vonnegut Jr., Kurt - Slaughterhouse-Five
Vonnegut Jr., Kurt - Wampeters Foma & Granfalloons (May 1995)
Walker, Robert James - The Bridges of Madison County (May 1995)
Weeks, David and Jamie James - Eccentrics (January 1997)
Wiesel, Elie - Night (August 1993)
Zelinski, Ernie - The Joy of Not Working (December 1998)
Bronte, Charlotte - Jane Eyre (May 1996)
Fitzgerald, F. Scott - The Great Gatsby (June 1992)
Irving, Washington - The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (February 1998)
Lee, Harper - To Kill A Mockingbird (May 1996)
Orczy, Baroness - The Scarlet Pimpernel (June 1993)
Plath, Sylvia - The Bell Jar (July 1998)
Salinger, J.D. - The Catcher in the Rye (May 1992)
Steinbeck, John - Of Mice and Men (March 1995)
Steinbeck, John - The Grapes of Wrath (April 1995)
Steinbeck, John - The Winter of Our Discontent (April 1998)
Twain, Mark - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (June 1992)
Verne, Jules - Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (August 1993)
Wilde, Oscar - The Picture of Dorian Gray (October 1998)
Adams, Douglas - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (August 1992)
Adams, Douglas - The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (August 1992)
Adams, Douglas - Life, the Universe and Everything (September 1992)
Adams, Douglas - So Long and Thanks for all the Fish (September 1992)
Asimov, Isaac and Robert Silverberg - Nightfall (January 1994)
Bradbury, Ray - Fahrenheit 451 (February 1997)
Card, Orson Scott - Ender's Game (October 1992)
Card, Orson Scott - Speaker for the Dead (October 1992)
Card, Orson Scott - Xenocide (March 1992)
Card, Orson Scott - Seventh Son (November 1992)
Card, Orson Scott - Songmaster (November 1992)
Card, Orson Scott - Wyrms (October 1992)
Card, Orson Scott - The Folk of the Fringe (May 1994)
Farmer, Philip Jose - To Your Scattered Bodies Go (July 1992)
Farmer, Philip Jose - The Fabulous Riverboat (July 1992)
Farmer, Philip Jose - The Dark Design (July 1992)
Farmer, Philip Jose - The Magic Labyrinth (August 1992)
Farmer, Philip Jose - Gods of Riverworld (August 1992)
Farmer, Philip Jose - Riverworld and Other Stories (June 1993)
Farmer, Philip Jose - Dayworld (February 1994)
Farmer, Philip Jose - Dayworld Rebel (December 1995)
Gerrold, David - When Harlie Was One (October 1992)
Heinlein, Robert A. - Starship Troopers (February 1999)
Heinlein, Robert A. - Orphans of the Sky (February 1998)
Heinlein, Robert A. - Orphans of the Sky (July 1993)
Heinlein, Robert A. - Have Space Suit Will Travel (June 1997)
Heinlein, Robert A. - The Rolling Stones (October 1993)
Kessler, Risa and Lester del Ray (eds.) - Once Upon A Time (May 1992)
Saberhagen, Fred - After the Fact (May 1994)
Sagan, Carl - Contact (March 1999)
Varley, John - Millennium