<i>Player E-mail</i>

~*Player Links and E-mail*~

Megan Savors
Character Name: Karahna Damashay
Noble Title: Lady of Greyhorn
Race: Gypsy
Personal Quote: "I am the official popsicle of Greyhorn"
Profession: Masseuse, and Healer
Homepage: you found it!
E-Mail: Karahna@hotmail.com

Alexis Davis
Character Name: Rhiannon (Rhia)
Chapter: ARGO (originally W.A.R.) Noble Title: None
Race: Elven
Personal Quote: " "
Profession: Musician
E-mail: har@raex.com

Dave Clouston
Character Name: Toad
Chapter: Nero Midwest,K-zoo,Nero Chicago
Race: Scavenger Frog
Personal Quote: ""

Jessica Miller
Character Name: Necta Reverie
Chapter: ARGO
Title: "a most uncommon commoner"
Race: Mystic Wood Elf
Personal Quote: "*girlish giggling*" "Awww man, I was hoping for something cool. And all I got was goldd...."
Profession: Healer,writer,courtesan
E-mail: NectaReverie@yahoo.com

Don Weisal
Character: Fooz Caolbaron
Chapter: W.A.R.
Noble titles: Lord Wizard of Galavast,One of 13,Master Scribe
Personal Quote:"You did WHAT with my components?!?!?" & "I owe Ageryin HOW much for those rituals?!?!?"
Profession:Formalist,Scroll Maker,Brewer
E-mail: jweisal@stratusware.net

Michael Hatch
Charector:Cygryl Matyer V
Noble title:none
PersonalQuote:"If Im a dark Gypsy then Stoney is the king of Evendarr."
email: hatchmike@hotmail.com

Heathyr Hoffman

Chapter: ARGO (originally PRO)

Character name: Lenria Dani (originally Lenaria Dani Kaneristi Wolfsbane)

Noble tite: n/a

Race: Wild Elf (originally Gypsy)

Personal Quote: "Dante was right, my ears made me squeamish!"

Profession: Healer, Bard, Cuddle-Wench (selectively)

Homepage: http://go.to/heathyr/

Email: http://go.to/heathyr/

Tim Skonecy
Character Name: Thain Ironhelm
Chapter: W.A.R.
Race: Dwarven Male
Personal Quote: "It's all in the beard!"
Noble Title: ???
Profession: Defender of the town
E-mail: Thain_Ironhelm@hotmail.com

Chrystal Alley
Character Name: Bastet
Chapter: ARGO Noble Title: None
Race: Sarr
Personal Quote: "........"
Profession: Fighter
E-mail: Chrystalalley@hotmail.com

Bob Price
Chapter: W.A.R. Character Name: Thorin Falstaff
Noble Title: Master Guildmember of Talin's Unicorn Celestial Guild (try saying that ten times fast!)
Race: Human
Personal Quote: "The trolls are gone, and I still have flamebolts left..."
Profession: Celestial caster (and singer!)
E-mail: Thorin@hotmail.com

Logan Horsford
Chapter: Nero k-zoo. Character Name: Brother Lumsie
Noble Title: None - Town Fool (also, Copper Exchange Elemental & Dragon Mage)
Race: Lesser Lumsie Monster
Personal Quote: "I'm a little teapot..."
Profession: Healer. Not a bind-o-mancer, nor a boat-b###h but a HEALER!

Doug Davis
Character Name: Toff
Chapter: currently W.A.R. Noble Title: None
Race: Barbarian
Personal Quote:
Profession: Fighter
E-mail: Toff_Warrior@hotmail.com

Bryan Mularcik
Chapter: W.A.R.
Character Name: Reesie Damashay
Race: Gypsy
Title: Bandolier of the Damashay Clan,Lord of Galavast
Profession: Unestablished alchemist, Galavast tavern keeper, town social.
Personal Quote: "Hey, pass the intoxicants!"
E-mail: hatrik89@yahoo.com

Chapter: W.A.R.
Character Name: Vala Gurth
Race: Human
Personal Quote: "I can make you so you wouldn't have to eat, sleep,or drink ever again...."
Title: Viscount of the Shadowlands
Profession: Earthromancer
E-mail: grimm@raex.com

*If you would like your name added to the list, e-mail me at Karahna1@hotmail.com, and I will add it as soon as possible*

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