Greetings. Welcome to the Camp of the Tuchuks, the fiercest of the four tribes who make up the Wagon Peoples of Gor. These scrolls will provide a brief introduction to the culture of these proud nomads of the Turian plains.
On Gor the words for "stranger" and "enemy" are the same, but we welcome you to hold Grass and Earth with us, and to sit by the roaring fires of our Harigga.
Read and learn well, that you might walk peacefully amongst the People of the Bosk.

This site was prepared in 1998 by mercika of the Tuchuks as a tribute to her people. It looks kind of primitive now, but the information contained herein is as accurate as a painstaking study of Nomads of Gor could make it. Scrolls may still be sent to the slave with any comments. (she promises this is an updated address!) mercika thanks A/all who have visited this site. she has been truly astounded by how favourably her humble effort was received by the Gorean community at large. May Y/your hearts be free as the flight of a herlit across the grassy plains, and may Y/you always live with honour.
September 1999

Guestbook Courtesy of Dreambook Management
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