The Roses of Pharos

A Doctor Who Webpage by (Miss) Rori Stevens

At the base of a testament to Earthlings' search for life in the rest of the universe grow red roses. They mark the place where an unearthly being - in an effort to save that universe, as it was succumbing to entropy - died...and was reborn.

They are a testament to his mercy, wisdom, wit, wiliness, kindness, and ultimately his true beauty and nobility.

To touch one of these fragile blooms, to feel the prick of its thorns, is to feel a surge of sorrow, as it marks a tragedy. But the softness of its ruby-red petals, and the sweet scent of Time and Memory that it offers can make even a person who never knew him recall his brave deeds and beautiful soul. The mourning of death becomes a celebration of life...

These pages are devoted to the fourth incarnation of the time-traveller known as the Doctor. As you can probably tell from my little introduction, I'm a tenderly devoted fangirl of the character, as well as the wonderfully gifted actor who played him - Tom Baker. Here the visitor will find a few pictures, a little biography/filmography of Baker, reviews of Fourth Doctor stuff (including the "Missing Adventures" novels, short stories, and audio recordings - as well as non-fiction reference books), some original poetry, links to other sites, and my trading list for the collectible card game (CCG). If any of you have comments about my site, email me. I'll be honest, I'm very slow to update - I usually do it when a new review is ready, and lately other concerns have kept me from checking out stuff - but I'm fussy about presenting a good page.

Fourth Doctor reviews

Whovian poetry

Tom Baker-ography

Why I'm a fan of Doctor Who, and the Fourth Doctor in particular

Links - updated

Doctor Who and all related terms, names, etc. are property of the BBC. The Daleks (which are mentioned a few times here, let's face it) belong to the estate of Terry Nation.

The midi music is the aria from the Square video game Final Fantasy III and thus is their property. I got the file from Grandtrain's Home Page.

Last updated: May 16, 1999

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