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This is one of the best UFO sites on the web.

Veiw the Force.

Hi, I'm Tumli. And here are some pages I visit. Some I've made myself.



This is my OnLive page.

My Tolkien page.

I have given this company 50 hours a week since 4/2/91

This is our true heritage, our true destination. Beginning and end.

Albert E.

We live in Florida and vacation several times a year. I enjoy all things relating to computers and my wife loves crafts and is waiting patiently to become a grandmother. We have three beautiful and talented girls. Christy Lynn, the oldest, has recently married a wonderful young man and is beginning a new life. Meri Katherine (we call her Kasey) is in the army and stationed in Korea. Gerrah Nicole, the youngest, is our fifth grade honor student. We are very proud of all three girls. They are our joy. We also have three cats that think they're people and two fresh water aquariums.

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