Do I have to spell it for you. Shower me. Fetch me something from Barnes or Kindleydreams Something for those long flights. London to Paris. Paris to New York. New York to Amsterdam. Gosh, next week I'll be in Tanzania. Get me some fragrance at least. Fetch me something from Kindleydreams. How will I remember you? Why must I? Kiss me gently. Kiss me sweetly... Ahh! Still, I feel a need.
Surely you learned something special from Oprah. I like her. She knows what the perfect gift is. Do you?
The Gift

UShine Books
Barnes Best Sellers
What My Mother Knew
The Perfect Gift
We all have needs, wants, requirements.
Each of us has a secret hunger deep down inside, a craving only one gift will satisfy. No substitution. Only the perfect gift will do.