
This is where I get to tell you all about me. Aren’t you glad you stumbled on to my site?

I was born mid-spring of 1975, which, at the time I’m typing this, makes me 29. I grew up in the township of Cinnaminson in New Jersey, and lived there until about 9 years ago. It was hard leaving since it was the only place I knew as home. There’s nothing extraordinary there, it’s just a middle class town, and we were a middle class family with middle class lives.

I attended the Cinnaminson school system from kindergarten all the way through to my graduation in 1994. There was nothing spectacular there either. I was a solid ‘C’ student, excelling in some subjects, but tanking in others. I was held back in 2nd grade, though. Apparently my social skills were underdeveloped. But I ended up graduating somewhere in the middle of my class of only 144.

I have one older brother, whom I’ve always looked up to. He’s married and had two wonderful children. As for me, I’m not married and have no children. I thought about getting married once, but the relationship didn’t quite last. I am dating some one. We’ve been together for almost three years now. It’s sort of a long distance thing. He lives an hour away, and we only get to see each other on the weekends. I love him dearly, but I think we’d end up killing each other if we spent more than that together. Don’t get me wrong, we are happy, we just need to grow a bit more.

Ok, enough of the sappy crap. If you knew me, you would know that that outpouring was very uncharacteristic of me. I consider myself… how should I put it… a feminine tomboy. In other words, I’m not too girly, but I clean up nice. It goes back to the days in my middle class neighborhood. Most of my friends were guys, there weren’t to many girls my age that lived near me. And so, I relate better to guys. Later on, in my high school days, I did have some very close girlfriends, but it was too late, I was already guy-ish.

When I was old enough, I got myself a job. Well, my brother actually did. He was dating the sister of the manager of the Thrift Drug that was down the street from me. I was hired after a pretty pathetic interview. I ended up working in pharmacy in as a pharmacy tech for about 8 years. If I had known that’s where I’d end up, I probably would have gone to college. I gave it thought to go back and go to pharmacy school, but it was already much to late for me. I had to work full time, so I could only take classes part time. That was fine for the first two years, but after that, I would have to be a full time student, and I couldn’t afford that.

After a while, I was not overly happy with the pay, so I jumped ship and went to work for a company that did payroll. I was there for about a year. I didn’t quite mix very well with an office environment. I was used to the pace of retail. So I went and became a bank teller. I’ve been there for two years, and as much as I complain about it, I don’t think I’ll be leaving it anytime soon.

So, that’s it in a nutshell. Nothing special. In fact, quite unamazing. I bet, at this point, you’re wondering why you bothered to read this all the way through. I assure you, I have no idea. I’m not even sure what inspired me to take the time to write it. But here it is. And I guess since you’ve decided to bear with my rather boring droning about my meager existence, I shall reward you. Sort of. Below are some pictures for you to peruse. (Sorry the quality isn't the greatest on some of them. Some pics are old and scanned in back when I first had gotten a scanner. I've since lost the actual photos.)

Cosmic Donut

P.S.- If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to e-mail me!

Let me start by explaining. I believe it was Labor Day weekend of 1998-ish, my friend, Steve, had a disco inferno party, and we took it a little too seriously. It was a great party, though.

Carl (the guy I was dating at the time)and I went to Village Thrift and got both of our outfits for a whopping total of $7.25. Talk about bargain shopping. When we first got there, people were a little hesitant, the tunes were playing, but the mood wasn't set quite yet. Once people started breakin' out the polyester, not to mention the vast amount of alcohol consumed, it was a total 70's time warp!

My friends Brian and Dave also had wonderful outfits for the evening as you can see here in the picture below.


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