"Up the airy mountain,
Come, weary traveler, rest your soar feet
You are the
Welcome to Fairy Forest, home of all the fae found in here. Giggling and laughing, they play in streams, their homes are very hard to find, and many a traveler hears they're laughing as they pass this forest.
down the rushing glen
We daren't go a hunting for fear of little men
Good folk, wee folk, all trouping together
Green jacket, red cap, and white owl's feather!"
(excerpt from poem by William Allingham)
Come in our depths of forest, our leaves and houses so neat
Come, we'll give you shelter, we'll sing for you and play
By the night and by the day!
Follow the faery for a banner to link to Fairy Forest (I'd be very pleased if you do)!
What do you suppose is hiding behind this rock? Or under it? Hmmm....
to walk through Fairy Forest (+250 from before my last counter went bonkers)
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