Besides me, Eldia, my friend (and the priestess/witch) helps me protect and keep an eye open!
THE MESSAGE BOARD (The Latest Here!)
Yes, I'm NOT dead! ::everyone moans:: Okay, okay, so I might disappoint some of you with this announcement but, oh well! *grins* Jeez, I didn't know my last update was in DEC.! Now, to explain. Yes, I've gotten quite a few "where are you?" emails and guestbook entries. Well, I can explain now. You see, things just kept coming up to twart me the past few months. First, at Jan., there was a very obnoxious person who emailed me saying that my site was "pathetic and corny." Well, I replied back that I really didn't care. I had about ten times as many hits (at that time, I had about 1500 hits while, visiting his site, I saw he only had about 100!) as he did so obviously somebody was doing something right. Frankly, I was ticked off. I made special graphics for this guy and how does he repay me?! Well, guess what? He next sent me an email saying that his friend had installed a virus on my Enchantress Diana's Land of Magic site! So, for all of Jan. till Feb., I had to scout out my webpages and de-virus it. Most of his threats were just balony, but a tiny virus that gave errors was true. I told Geocities and they kicked this guy out! :o) So, ha! But, then, yet another thing comes to twart me. March, I admitt, was my lazy month when it came to the 'net. I hadn't written much and during March, I was on a writing streak! (My life goal is to become an author and everyday, I work towards it). But, then, when April came along, I had to even abandon this as school started to end and I was caught up in the SATs, last minute school tests, my birthday, and then, when May came along, there were finals. Finally, when I had dusted out everything and looked around, I realized what I had to do! So, I started to get to work. I replied to a few forms (not many I've gotten replies to, so soon I'll have a very packed "Abandoned Pets" page *sigh*), but then my Internet provider (this was either end of May/beginning of June) sent me a letter saying that they had come out with their 4.0 version and all 3.0 versions wouldn't work anymore. Just what I needed! My father and I both had 3.0 on our computers and since they had jacked up the price (and their motto was "cheapest you can find" or something along those lines!) my Dad got angry. So, now I was internet-less and all my sites were in need of a good repair! What a pickle! But, my story doesn't end there...
In late April or early May, I looked at my Enchantress Diana's Land of Magic site and I just sighed...and sighed...and sighed. I decided it was time for Enchantress Diana's Land of Magic to completely evolve. This happens a lot to me. For instance, my first website was Veer's Universe, a total flunk. So, I evolved it into Enchantress Diana's Land of Magic in 1997. But, now, it's time for Enchantress Diana's Land of Magic to evolve, itself. And so, I'm working on MY VERY OWN DOMAIN! Yes! It's going to be! (not neccissarily "something," that was just an example! *grins*) So, what does it look like? That's a secret! But it'll be a lot like Enchantress Diana's Land of Magic...yet different. And because I got Paint Shop Pro 5, there'll be a lot of new graphics! It'll even have a different name! So, I've been ardently working on this and once I'm done, I can go back to my precious and priceless Enchanting Adoption Castle and WILL (I promise) WILL reply to all adoption requests once I can get back my stinking internet! Which will hopefully be soon!!!
Until then...
Diana :o)

Since 9/29/97
Since 7/30/98

This is the monster egg, once it hatches, it'll get its own page just like the ones below! Once it's all grown up, I'll find a place for it somewhere in my Adoption Castle :o)
Visit Sea Star!
Visit the Shyla Eggs!
If You want to link to my page (I'd be most happy if you did!) Please use the following banner. Code is below:

Click Here to get the Banner Code!
No downloading needed!
"From the deepest darkest void, to the earth they come to laugh and play. Never again will the earth be dark when the sun should light the day. For the fairies have come to stay!"
-Enchantress Diana