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"In every generation, there is a chosen one! She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness! She is the Slayer!"

And in this generation, the Vampire Slayer is Buffy Summers, a 16 year old and a student at the Sunnydale High School. Her experiences at her last school have persuaded Buffy to retire from vampire-slaying, and to try to resume the life of a 16 year old teen. Rupert Giles, the school's librarian and Buffy's new Watcher, thinks it is no coincidence that Buffy has come to this town.

Although sometimes she would rather be on a date, or hanging out with her friends, Buffy takes her slaying very seriously. Using a combination of mental and physical agility, she is up for the challenge.

Anything from a pool cue to a chair leg becomes a lethal weapon in her hands. Being a high school student is occasionally as hard as being a Slayer, and Buffy has to tackle both roles!

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