ICQlist of Chinese

The ICQlist of Chinese has chosen ICQ as the preferred method of communication between its members. ICQ empowers members with a means to chat whenever they like and enables them to share ideas, discuss similar interests or anything else. We encourage all members to get ICQ and provide us with their ICQ numbers. We will list the ICQ numbers of all members below, allowing quick contact with members for anyone who may visit this page. All ICQlist of Chinese members are included in the list below by default. To omit your name from the list please email Peng Yong.

Thank you.

ICQ List Name: The ICQlist of Chinese
Description / Purpose: A communication method for Chinese
Searchable Keywords: ICQ, China, Chinese
Relevant Categories: ICQ, China, Chinese
ICQ ListMaster: Homer( Peng Yong)
Organization / Affiliation: Chinese Linux User Group
Location: Changzhou, Jiangsu, China
Number Of Users: 1
List Created On: 04/08/97
Last Updated On: 04/08/97

To be added to this List:
[EMAIL] or [PAGE] the ListMaster

Real Name Nickname ICQ # (UIN) Contact Remarks Language
Peng Yong Homer 2511706 PAGE REMARKS Chinese/English

Tom S. Kuo






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  * ICQ lets you easily send files to other people

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