Sis's Fantasy Land

Main Links Index

I know. Your gonna press the links button and say "HEY! What happened?" Well the answer is change. I am letting people add their links to these pages. Most of the links I have (after currently updating this section of my site) Do not work. I am checking the links I have to see if they are current. If you have a VP site or know someone who has one, add their link here today. It will only take a moment of your time. It will help all other VPers everywhere. Please donate your link for the needy of VP. LOL.

I have worked long and hard to redo this site, to make it friendlier, with more to do and full of information. If you have been to my site before, Please take just a moment to let me know what you think of the changes. Visit my Contact page and drop me a note. If this is your first visit then please let me know what you think of the site as well. All comments and sugestions (good and bad) are important to me and are part of the prossess of making this site a better one.

One more thing before you run off. If you enjoy my site please take just a moment to Vote for my site. My thanks in advance.

After all, I don't know what you like or dislike,
if you don't tell me.
Happy hunting!

This Legion of Links Webring site owned by Lilsis.

Want to join the Legion of Links Webring?
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If you like you can use this button to link back to my page. This is the only button I have right now, however I will be making a couple more.

Special Thank you to
She is the one who did a great job of making this button.
Please check out her site of Avatars

NOTE:I just want to let you know that I do check these links and they seem fine to me, however we all make mistakes. I take no responsibility for what these sites contain. If there is a site among these links that does offend you, Please Contact me and let me know the URL and the problem you have with that site or link and I will take a look and if nessasary remove it from my site. I will either way take immediate action.