I'm known by many names,
Nineve, Nimiane, Nimue or Lady Vivien.
But whichever name you use,
I will always be
"Lady of the Lake"!

Welcome to my home page. Much is under construction, please excuse the mess. I am gathering information about myself and my interests. I will be placing them here for you to explore and enjoy. Please send me a quick note before you leave and let me know what you'd like to see on this site. You can do this by sending me an e-mail at nineve@geocities.com. Please feel free to browse to your heart's content and most of all, "Have Fun!".

Thank you for dropping by!

Last Update: 10/25/07
Web Author: Marti T.
Copyright ©1997 by Avalon Myst Creations- ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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