On November 1997 the Aquarian Perspectives Inter-Planetary Mission moves to the Sangre de Cristo Monastery.The main work of the Monastery on the Earth is THE REAPPEARANCE OF THE CHRIST. In this issue, we are constrained by the Spiritual Hierarchy to offer some insight as to the Missionís unique role and service in this Plan.
As laborers in the fields of the Lord, members will have various levels of service to enact in this Plan the Masters Know and Serve. It shall be our pleasure to offer our Aquarian Perspective. My beloved twin-flame and I, representing the East-West cultures of your earth, serve the Spiritual Hierarchy by implementing the Plan the Ascended Masters Know and Serve, to prepare for THE REAPPEARANCE OF THE CHRIST in the Western tradition and the RETURN OF THE BUDDHA-MAITREYA, in the Eastern tradition.
Though we are star seeds, in this earth existence we are responsible for anchoring the Monastery of the Ascended Masters in the Southwest, through a synthesis of the Western Essene Tradition with that of the Eastern Buddhist Philosophy. In this age of Aquarius, MAITREYA as the AVATAR OF SYNTHESIS, will bridge the gap through His Emergence as Maitreya the Christ. We had our first encounter with the OverSoul Maitreya, in the Philippines. We were assigned the title Maitreya to use in our name in order to inculcate those energies into our being. This was for the purpose of channelling an aspect of Maitreya in all of our work on Earth.
According to British author and international lecturer, Benjamin Creme, "Maitreya's unique qualification is that, in His role as 'WORLD TEACHER,' he will represent not one but all religious groups, as well as people with no religious affiliation." An ancient body of spiritual teachings, known as the Ageless Wisdom, states that, "Maitreya will be recognized by the Christians as the CHRIST, by the Jews as the MESSIAH, by the Muslims as the IMAM MAHDI, and by the Buddhists as the 5th BUDDHA."
According to Creme, "Maitreya descended in July 1977 from his ancient retreat in the Himalayas. He has also met privately with groups of journalists and influential leaders from all fields, informing them of His solutions for today's most pressing problems and of the role they might play." He also said, "In Palestine 2,000 years ago, Maitreya worked through His disciple Jesus. From the time of Jesus' baptism in the river Jordan through His crucifixion, the consciousness of Maitreya completely overshadowed Him."
Complacency is ultimately self-destructive, and whole societies can be destroyed by it. Maitreya will work directly in the affairs of world peace, politics, market forces, the environment, crime, violence, drugs and the art of self-realization. Maitreya will inspire world spiritual leaders to transform the old religion into the new. Not discarded outright and vilified, but transformed. This will become the spirituality of the Age of Aquarius - the age of synthesis.
Creme says, "Each group can continue to follow its own traditions, but, under Maitreyaís guidance, religious fervor will be transmuted into spiritual aspiration, authority and dogma will be replaced by direct experience of ëGod within," and inter-group relations will be characterized by respect and tolerance. A ëWorld Teacherí will come with credentials to galvanize universal goodwill, to heal a society in pain, and to inspire sweeping social, economic, environmental and political change - to reestablish meaning in our lives as we face various global crisis."
Our understanding of the work of MAITREYA in THE REAPPEARANCE OF THE CHRIST is: We are now on the border of this great initiation, we are heading closer and closer to its center and fulfillment. That is why Christ returns to the Earth because always the great Master of a solar system incarnates and gives aid to the planet which is the lowest in progression in that system. Yes, those who say catastrophe comes, speak with truth; but the Earth will not end. It shall become new, as it is written. There shall be a New Heaven and a New Earth; - the Old made New. The work of the Sangre de Cristo Monastery and the Aquarian Perspectives Inter-Planetary Mission, with all its members, is the Preparation and Establishment of this Plan the Masters Know and Serve!
Perhaps it may be new to some souls to learn that Maitreya overshadowed Jesus the Christ in his lifetime. Yet, there is another Great Soul who is of prime importance in this Plan the Masters Know and Serve. That being is Sananda, our Star Commander-In-Chief. Our book, Himalayan Star Conclaves covers the entire story of Sananda and the Christ. SANAT KUMARA, channeled by Brother Philip to Dr. George Hunt Williamson, in Secret of the Andes, says: "This stepping-up and initiation has long been scheduled for Earth by the Hierarchical Board in charge of Earth's evolution. The incarnation of the Master Sananda as Jesus of Palestine marked the two-thousand year approach to the final Day of Judgment and the Second Coming of The Christ."
"Jesus-Sananda, whose many incarnations on Earth have included Sananda, a great spiritual leader at the time of the original civilization on Earth of the Elder Race (the Cains and Abels) over 26 million years ago, and later as Jesus of Palestine, presently holds office for a second time on our Earth plane as World Teacher and embodiment of The Christ."
Nada-Yolanda channels from the Spiritual Hierarchy as part of the Mark-Age Unit. The following is part of the "Second Coming Announcement" by Jesus-Sananda, channeled through her on August 17th 1966:
" I speak in the name of Jesus, Lord of this World and of all which concerns this Earth sphere. I am he who is known as the Christ, and through this channel announce my coming unto Earth once more. It is my intention that all who know and believe in this shall see and shall welcome it in the flesh. I have not come before this time, for man was not ready to receive his Lord..."
" Our Lord and Master of this Universe, known as Lord Michael (Archangel Michael), and he who is my master teacher, Maitreya, the Lord also, are conversant with and in command over all universal laws and material laws physical to those particular dimensions..."
" You have been alerted to these days and these times in the last two thousand years, since the resurrection of my body and my personality. In that time and in that consequence I never have ceased to work continuously... in the efforts to bring forth this Second-Coming announcement. In the days ahead we prepare all for it; one here and there, many, crying out the word and the announcement.î"
" I now enact the role given unto me throughout the ages: to be your way-shower, to be your Prince, to be the Lord of the World and all that involves the Earth planet... I am Sananda of the Hierarchical Board, known on Earth through my last incarnational frequency as Jesus the Christ, Lord of this World and of the planet known as Earth."
Thus the long-prophesied cleansing and physical changes to Planet Earth at the end of this millennium will usher in the real New Age and the Second Coming of Christ, the New Millennium of the Golden Age of a Thousand Years of Peace under The Christ on Earth. This is a Mission to prepare for the second coming of the Christ, the Souls associated with Him, and providing the energies that are serving a fundamental part in that mission; thus reflecting this new approach to things that comes from the Aquarian consciousness. One of the most visible results of this influence is the new world wide acceptance of the UFO phenomenon.
Aquarius as an astrological influence rules all these fields of expression, and particularly Brotherhood. We are now close to realize the existent brotherhood between our own variety of genetics that exist on Earth, with extra-planetary cultures, and also with what is known as the Fifth Kingdom of nature.
Just as we attempt to take care of the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms, the Goodly extra-terrestrials and the Spiritual Hierarchy take care of us. Eventually, the human race will be conscious of the Unity of All. The Spiritual Hierarchy is becoming a reality for Humanity as they began physical manifestation of their existence.
There is another important phenomenon of our times that is related with this externalization of the Kingdom of God. The doors are opening and soon many human beings will see our Master again. He is committed to the work of the Lord of The World (The Father) for a period of time unknown, but eventually He will continue His evolutionary path out of this Solar System. His place as Teacher of the World, and as The Christ, will be filled by a close disciple of His. But first He will make His promise of the return a tangible reality.
These truths are not yet fully apprehended by most human beings, and the mundane minded will even think we are getting worse. The work of the Aquarian Perspectives Inter-Planetary Mission at Sangre de Cristo Monastery is necessary now, because it is true that what is known as 'The Kingdom of God' is increasingly manifesting in the physical plane. "
Christ is Universal, is God. How can you limit that to our little planet?" Sananda is the Commander of the Dove Command, as Ashtar is Commander of the Ashtar Command. While the Ashtar Commandís chief functions is the sphere of protection with his Armada of Star Ships, Sanandaís Dove Commandís main sphere of influence is that of spreading the quality of Love all about this dear sweet orb.
This is the true principle of Universal brother\sisterhood. Remember that He always referred to His Father. That Father is also a Planetary Entity, and the real director of all the planetary life and events. 'The One Who Sits On The Throne' and the ones that are most closely related to His work, now His Son, The Christ, was the first of the whole human race to ever enter the door of the Fifth Kingdom in this planet.
Since then, He has been the first in taking any evolutionary step. He is the Master of Masters, and He surely sits to the right of the Father. He (as everybody knows) has also assumed the works of the World Savior, and that He did at different times, in different periods of human evolution, and of course with different vehicles of expression (bodies, if you want).
Many Hindus worship an incarnation of that same principle (The Christ) that occurred thousands of years ago (Sri Krishna), but not many of them accept the similitude between the two Messiahs. In the Orient He is known as the Lord Maitreya, and He is now at the head of the 'Kingdom of God', also known as The Hierarchy, and He functions there as the World Teacher. This important center (The Hierarchy) of spiritual power in our planet is now composed entirely of human beings) that have transcended life in 'the three lower worlds' (the Physical, Astral and Mental Planes).
They have listened to the call and the advise given by those who were more evolved, and with determination, they made the necessary effort to achieve the position that they now occupy in the spiritual affairs of the world. They have reached such a state of Pure Love and Wisdom, that they are able to use constructively almost all the occult resources and powers of nature.
With this power they have presented before us a former Benedictine Monastery on 90 acres of rolling hills, open meadows, sparkling streams and towering pine trees, that they want us to make the Sangre de Cristo Monastery. Included are a 6000 SF lodge containing 5 bedrooms, 1000 SF guest quarters which can sleep 12, cozy cottages, a Universal chapel, priors cottage, hermitage and barn. Contemporary amenities assure a comfortable lifestyle.
The unique property was also once a Sri RAmana Maharishi Retreat Center. The Universal Chapel now contains icons of many previous Avatars and Goddesses, with a tree growing in the middle. A 1 acre garden, fruit orchards and landscaped meditation gardens round out the property. We will erect temples of the world's major religions, maintained by practicing holy ministers of each tradition, qualified to conduct services and answer questions for visitors. Healing Temples will provide help to those seeking health and well-being. Healers from all traditions are called to participate.
A Landing Site for the Star Ships will be prepared for the 2012 mass landings! Included will be the building of Pyramids and Healing Temples. The Masters will not do the work alone. " This is a project for humanity," they say, " and therefore humanity must work together to see this vision a reality on Earth." We are lovingly seeking benefactors, individuals, or organizations, to make tax deductible contributions to the Sangre de Cristo Monastery.
We invite leaders and readers of all Paths to join us, in this place, to fulfill the Plan the Masters Know and Serve. If this article has moved you, feel free to call us at: 505-473-3744.
Bless You!
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