Last Updated on September 16, 2003
Check out the newest blooper for "Cast a Giant Shadow".

What is a blooper you ask? Simply put it's a mistake that is caught on camera. Often it's as simple as a problem with continuity, or perhaps a scene or dialog that contradicts itself. I'm here to catalog those bloopers, and a Herculean task it may be. Of course, I can’t do it all by myself. I need your help, so if you find a blooper contact me here. I will gladly give you acknowledgement for your Herculean blooper.

Now before we begin the Herculean task of cataloging these bloopers, we need to create the appropriate categories to put them in. I have come up with the following categories:

Blooper Categories

"Now You See It, Now You Don't"-This is the category I will lump most continuity problems in. It's usually a problem with continuity where things appear, disappear or change appearance.

"Out of Thin Air"-A category related to "Now You See It...", this is the category where I lump the sudden appearance of an object not visibly recorded in the scene. It's like it appears out of thin air. "Now You See It, Now You Don't", explores the changes of items already established in the scene.

"Name Game"-This is the category where I expose the incontinuity of Names, Places and Dates. It is usually a problem with dialog.

"Faster Than A Speeding Bullet"-Another continuity category, where things happen at an alarmingly fast pace.

"Herculean Alchemy"-This is where I will catalog instances where swords, knives and the like have obviously been touched by some Herculean magic and have turned into rubber.

"Innovation Contaminations"-This category is where I catalog modern-day conveniences that appear erroneously or inexplicably in an episode.

To make it easier to find your favorite blooper, I've arranged the episodes in alphabetical order.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V |W | X | Y | Z

Herculean Bloopers

Armageddon Now- Part 1-

Season 4
Quick Synopsis- The evil daughter of Gabrielle, Hope, frees Callisto and sends her back in time to keep Hercules from being born.

In the "Herculean Alchemy" category- When the Sovereign throws the rock into the small pool through which Hercules is watching Iolaus and Alcmene, the rock floats.
-Thanks to Kendaa who allowed me to steal these great bloopers from her Hercules Bloopers vault.

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Armageddon Now- Part 2-

Season 4
Quick Synopsis- As Hercules tries to escape from the Netherworld, Iolaus travels back in time to prevent Callisto from killing Alcmene.

In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
Throughout both Armageddon Part 2 as well as Part 1, the length of Hercules' hair changes from longer to noticably shorter, to longer again.
-Thanks to Kendaa who allowed me to steal these great bloopers from her Hercules Bloopers vault.

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The Apple-

Season 2
Quick Synopsis- Iolaus is used as a pawn by the scheming love goddess Aphrodite to prevent a marriage between the children of two feuding kings.

In the "Name Game" category- Suddenly the whole royal family of Scyros has changed. In the King of Thieves, we are introduced to Dirce and Menelaus. In the Apple, we have a whole new set of royalty, King Sydon and Thera. Of course, it could be two very similar sounding village names, but in and of itself, wouldn‘t that be confusing? (Maybe it‘s the difference between Kansas City, KS and Kansas City, MO.)

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Be Deviled-

Season 6
Quick Synopsis- A Serena look-alike attempts to lure Hercules into a life of anger and war.

In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
Iolaus' earring switched from one ear to the other in the middle of one scene.
-Thanks to jopru for finding this devil of a blooper.

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Cast a Giant Shadow-

Season 2
Quick Synopsis- Hercules and Iolaus are shocked to learn that Typhon's wife is none other than Echidna, who is in league with the warlord Maceus.

In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
In the beginning of the episode, Hercules uses his fist and strength to break the rock that held Typhon prisoner into several large pieces. Moments later, after Typhon pranced around in joy for being released after 100 years, a wide angle view shows the rock is no longer on the path.

Also in the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
Watch as Macius tortures Iolaus. The first shot has the camera behind Iolaus so we can get a good view Macius. Macius puts his right hand under Iolaus' chin. The camera angle shifts and we get to see Iolaus' reaction. Macius has switched hands and now has his left hand under Iolaus' chin.
-Thanks to Sian for this blooper.

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Season 5
Quick Synopsis- Hercules overcome with grief over Iolaus' death, travels to the Underworld in hopes of getting him back.

In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
As Hercules and Dimuzi crash through the liquid mirror and onto the floor, Dimuzi's hat falls off. When he stand, it magically appears on his head.
-Thanks to Kendaa who allowed me to steal these great bloopers from her Hercules Bloopers vault.

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Season 3
Quick Synopsis- Saving a beautiful creature that is part woman and part deer pits Hercules against his half brother Ares and the vengeful Prince Nestor.

In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
Once Iolaus is healed from the Hind, Iolaus says he feels fine and all he wants to do is eat. Hercules comes in and the two of them discuss Iolaus meeting Serena. When Hercules stands up to leave, the floor inexpicably shakes him. Guess you could say meeting Serena caused the earth to move for him.
-Thanks goes to Sami Sep for shaking things up to find this blooper.

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The End of the Beginning-

Season 3
Quick Synopsis- Autolycus steals a powerful stone which causes Hercules to travel back in time where he meets up with his beloved Serena and the ruthless Ares.

In the "Name Game" category-
In this episode, Falafel has invented the Falafelometer. It‘s basically an egg timer shaped suspiciously like an hour glass. Unfortunately his idea was not original. King Menelaus‘ men used a falafelometer in an earlier season episode while timing Iolaus‘ stay in the pit with the “pet boar“ in King of Thieves.

In the "Innovation Contaminations" category-
As the Hind is falling to the ground after Ares, who is off camera, shoots her with the arrow, a "reeboked" foot (hoof?) comes into view. What's a Hind doing wearing tennies?
- Thanks to Stripe for coming up this blooper and forcing me to come up with an additional blooper category to include it.

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Season 5
Quick Synopsis- Hercules and Iolaus attempt to save Sumeria from the wrath of evil dieties and leads to disasterous consequences.

In the double whammy "Herculean Alchemy" and "Now You See It, Now You Don't" categories-
As Gilgamesh squashes the chalice after drinking the nector of the gods, the chalice springs back to it's original shape, but when he tosses it to the ground it is crushed flat again.
-Thanks to Kendaa who allowed me to steal these great bloopers from her Hercules Bloopers vault.

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Genies and Grecians and Geeks, Oh My!-

Season 5
Quick Synopsis- Autolycus and Salmoneous learn the drawbacks of stealing a magic lamp from a sultan.

In the "Name Game" category-
In this episode, our intrepid culinary inventor, Falafel, has created a drink he calls "coffee". The problem is, this beverage had already been invented and introduced into a previous episode. In the first season episode, "Festival of Dionysis", Hercules has a strong cup of the brew after getting drunk in a drinking game. Of course, Falafel may have an excuse by not knowing of this previous invention as Nestor explains to Hercules:

"My father just started importing it (coffee) from the east. We're the only kingdom in the land that has it."
- Thanks goes to Maigrey for "coffeeing" up this blooper for me.

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Judgement Day-

Season 3
Quick Synopsis- Waking from a nightmare, Hercules finds Serena dead and himself accused of murder.

In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
During the "fight" between Hercules and Strife, the stain on Hercules' vest changes in both color and size. At one point, there is no hole visible on the demigod's vest after Xena's "killing" thrust into his chest.
-Thanks to Kendaa who allowed me to steal these great bloopers from her Hercules Bloopers vault.

Also in the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
After Iolaus is "killed" by Xena, his pendant appears to defy gravity and move both backwards and forwards of it's own accord during several frames in the scene.
-Thanks to Kendaa who allowed me to steal these great bloopers from her Hercules Bloopers vault.

And finally, in the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
Immediately after Ares sends a bolt at Hercules and sends him flying, we see him sitting on the ground. He then rises once Strife disappears and then once again we see him back in the same position he had been in before Strife disappeared.
-Thanks to Kendaa who allowed me to steal these great bloopers from her Hercules Bloopers vault.

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King of Thieves-

Season 2
Quick Synopsis- When Iolaus is falsely accused of robbery, Hercules races against time to apprehend the real thief before his friend is executed.

In the "Faster Than A Speeding Bullet" category-
In King of Thieves, we learn that aside from being an expert thief, Autolycus is also a quick change artist. In an attempt to escape from Hercules, Autolycus turnes his tunic “inside out” and creates a cape. He crossed the bridge, and pursued by Hercules, runs into the castle. He sets his grappling hook along the window‘s sill and then flips up into the ceiling beam of the room. Approximately three seconds later, he jumps down from the rafters and his green tunic is back into place and neatly belted.

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Mother of All Monsters-

Season 2
Quick Synopsis- Echinda, the Mother of All Monsters, is out to get revenge on Hercules for killing all of her children.

In the "Herculean Alchemy" category-
After Hercules is hit by the arrow, he lies unconscious in Iolaus' arms underneath some underbrush. Watch the arrow embedded in the demigod's chest. It wobbles quite loosely every time the palm leaf touches it.
-Thanks to Kendaa who allowed me to steal these great bloopers from her Hercules Bloopers vault.

In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't category-
Alcmene reaches out twice to balance herself in the cart as it is being taken to Echidna's lair, even though her hands are supposed to be tied behind her back.
-Thanks to Kendaa who allowed me to steal these great bloopers from her Hercules Bloopers vault.

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Not Fade Away-

Season 3
Quick Synopsis- Iolaus will remain in the afterlife unless Hercules can make good on his promise with the God of the Underworld, Hades, to destroy Hera's newest assassin, the fiery Enforcer II.

In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
When Iolaus rolls down the hill and into Herc's arms, his medallion keeps changing while Herc's holding him. It's on his chest, then it's behind his back, then on his chest throughout the entire scene.
-Thanks to Kendaa who allowed me to steal these great bloopers from her Hercules Bloopers vault.

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Season 4
Quick Synopsis- Iolaus and Autolycus race to save Hercules after he is put on a butcher's chopping block following his transformation into a pig by Discord.

In the "Out of Thin Air" category-
Autolycus was lucky enough to get two outfits out of the 6 season run of Hercules: the Legendary Journeys. The first couple of seasons, his green tunic had a black leather sleeve and was designed to hold a holdout device for his grappling hook. A holdout device is a series of tubes and wires attached to his forearm that, with a specific movement allows the grappling hook to shoot out of his sleeve, so the sleeve had to be loose.

During season four, he had a different tunic: green, grommets and gauntlets that would not allow him to use his holdout device. No problem, because the King of Thieves can now summon it to appear and disappear at his will. In this episode, Iolaus, Autolycus and the pig formerly known as Hercules are trying to fend off some ruffians. Autolycus pulls his grappling hook from behind his back to show Iolaus he is prepared to fight. A second later (literally), a scuffle breaks out and the grappling hook is no longer in his hand. Where‘d it go?

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The Power-

Season 2
Quick Synopsis- Hercules intervenes when a young man with divine powers is manipulated by a relative into using his gift for evil.

In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
In the bar fight scene, Salmoneous is initially seen wearing a black toga. Seconds later, he is seen wearing a purple toga.
-Thanks to Kendaa who allowed me to steal these great bloopers from her Hercules Bloopers vault.

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Pride Comes Before a Brawl-

Season 1
Quick Synopsis- Captured by Satyrs, Iolaus impersonates Hercules, all the better to impress a love interest.

In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
The rope that Iolaus has taken from the pit disappears and then reappears several times in this episode: it goes into the lake, suddenly reappears, only to disappear again and then it finally reappears so that Iolaus can use it to set traps for his pursuers.
- Thanks to McJude for "roping" in this blooper for me.

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Prince Hercules-

Season 3
Quick Synopsis- A hit to the head gives Hercules amnesia and the next thing he knows, he's a prince about to swear allegiance to Hera.

In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
Immediately after we hear Hercules scream "HERA", we get a close-up shot of him standing. About fourty seconds later, we get a wide angle shot of him standing once again. Talk about your double stand-ards. He was already standing up.
-Thanks to Kendaa who allowed me to steal these great bloopers from her Hercules Bloopers vault.

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Prodigal Sister-

Season 4
Quick Synopsis- Hercules must battle Amazons to reuinte a blind man with his long lost sister.

In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
Or maybe we should just call it the "Now You See It" category. At the end of the episode Sirri and Rune are at the place where their parents were murdered by Mayhem. Sirri holds out her hand in reconciliation. Rune, although blind, reaches out his own hand to take her proffered hand. How did he know she had offered her hand?
-Thanks to Kendaa who allowed me to steal these great bloopers from her Hercules Bloopers vault.

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Season 5
Quick Synopsis- Hercules must face the evil demigod Morrigan, an assassin sent to destroy the Druids.

In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
As the Druids step back and away at the beginning of the final confrontation between Hercules and Morrigan, watch Mabon who is on the left hand side of the screen. He trips over the tree root as he's moving backwards.
-Thanks to Kendaa who allowed me to steal these great bloopers from her Hercules Bloopers vault.

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Season 3
Quick Synopsis- Callisto crashes Herc's birthday party, spikes the punch and forces Hercules into the Labyrinth of the Gods. Callisto's mission: kill him. If she fails, she'll die.

In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
In the imaginary scene where Hercules is saying goodbye to Alcmene because he's crossed "the other side", watch the demigod‘s gauntlets. In the initial scene he is wearing his gauntlets, when the camera cuts to him again, his arms are bare, then in the next cut, he is wearing the gauntlets again.
-Thanks goes to Gemini0521 for keen eyes and keen nitpicking.

In the "Innovation Contaminations" category-
When Nestor is running through the forest toward the trap that will end is life at the end of this episode, the camera dips for a brief second and we see the red sneaker of the cameraman running along behind him.
-Thanks to Kendaa who allowed me to steal these great bloopers from her Hercules Bloopers vault.

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Two Men And A Baby-

Season 4
Quick Synopsis- Hercules is told that he is a father again. The baby's mother; Nemesis, and Hercules must battle Ares over the magically gifted child.

In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
During the fight scene between Hercules and Ares, watch Ares' earring. In the middle of the battle, the earring flies off, but a few moments when Ares talks to Hercules, it is back in place.
-Thanks to Kendaa who allowed me to steal these great bloopers from her Hercules Bloopers vault.

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Unchained Heart-

Season 1
Quick Synopsis- Hercules and Xena team up to stop the evil Darphus, the mortal lieutenant of Ares, the god of war, who's intent on ruling the world.

In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
During the final kissing scene between Hercules and Xena, Hercules' hair changes alignment several times. It is first lying against his face, then it was pulled back to what is affectionately called the Herk flip, and then back to lying against his face.
-Thanks to Kendaa who allowed me to steal these great bloopers from her Hercules Bloopers vault.

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The Wedding of Alcmene-

Season 2
Quick Synopsis- The wedding of Hercules' mother to the Greek hero Jason is threatened by another one of Hera's plots to get Hercules.

In the "Out of Thin Air" category-
Author's aside: This was a difficult blooper to categorize. So many categories could fit. Just as the monster emerges to terrorize the wedding guests, who of course scatter in all directions, look carefully to the right in the scene. You can see Derek, the centaur, minus his hoofed legs. Instead, human legs (the legs of the actor) are clearly visible.
-Thanks to Kendaa who allowed me to steal these great bloopers from her Hercules Bloopers vault.

In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
When Iolaus runs to get Iphicles to ask him to become King of Corinth, he runs into Dirce and Falafel selling tacos. As Iolaus and Dirce are discussing their "date", the taco in Dirce's hand appears to be half-eaten, then it's all there, then it's half-eaten again.
-Thanks to Sami Sep for this blooper.

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What's In A Name-

Season 2
Quick Synopsis- A not so heroic Hercules imposter, the demigod's half-brother, Iphicles, is about to wed the stepdaughter of an menacing warlord.

In the "Herculean Alchemy" category-
During the fight scene in the marketplace, before Iphicles makes his entrance as the false Hercules, watch as one of the soldiers is thrown against the well. It slides slighly under the impact.
-Thanks to Kendaa who allowed me to steal these great bloopers from her Hercules Bloopers vault.

Also in the "Herculean Alchemy" category-
When the bad guy is holding the small pronged trident against Rena's throat during the fight in the dungeon, the trident which is supposed to be made of metal, wobbles noticably.
-Thanks to Kendaa who allowed me to steal these great bloopers from her Hercules Bloopers vault.

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When A Man Loves A Woman-

Season 3
Quick Synopsis- Hercules gives up his godly powers so that he may marry Serena, The Golden Hind.

In the "Now You See It, Now You Don't" category-
In the fight scene where a soldier shoves a pot onto Joxer's head, Joxer falls and the pot comes off his head and falls beneath him. When Iolaus helps him to his feet only moments later, the pot is inexplicably on his head again.
-Thanks to Kendaa who allowed me to steal these great bloopers from her Hercules Bloopers vault.

In the "Herculean Alchemy" category-
Iolaus is in town fighting the bad guys and of course, beating them senseless with cast iron pans. If you watch carefully, you can see the pans bend.
-Thanks to Sami Sep for this blooper.

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The Wrong Path-

Season 1
Quick Synopsis- A vengeance-minded Hercules, maddened by the deaths of his wife and children, rescues a village from a snake woman.

In the "Now You See It, Now You Don‘t" category-
When Hercules has Aegina in his arms, her hands are tied together. Watch when he tosses her in the air. Her arms swing wide then, when she lands back in his arms, Aegina‘s hands are tied again.
-Thanks to CJ for pointing this out.

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Stay tuned as I attempt to find more bloopers to entertain you with as I explore my vault of Hercules: the Legendary Journey videos.

This is a non-commercial fan-run site. All images copyright of their respective owners.

Disclaimer: This site is not intending to violate any copyrights held by StudiosUSA, Renaissance Pictures or any other entity involved with the making of Hercules: the Legendary Journeys.