Information Pages: Fan Fiction The Myth and Legend Holdout Device Explained Autolycus Episode GuideFun and Games: The Herculean Bloopers Page The Herculean Thief's Fan Art Page
Autolycus Greeting Cards
The Herculean Board Game
The Klepto
Kwiz Challenge The Image Puzzle
Attention! Looking for Fan Art! E-mail me and put your art on my page!
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The Misadventures of Autolycus the Plastic Action Figure: Texas Renaissance Festival
HerkFest 2000 in Tulsa
"If Chins Could Kill" Book Tour
Cirque du Soliel
Scottish Festival/Highland Games
Quest for Immortality Exhibit
Have a suggestion? Have a complaint? Just want to know which institution I escaped from? Drop me
a line!
|  Okay, I have to admit the first time I saw Bruce Campbell in the role of Autolycus, I had to say "Wow!". I was instantly hooked on the "King of Thieves", and was thrilled when he began appearing in more episodes of Hercules: the Legendary Journeys and Xena: Warrior Princess. I figured, his portrayal of Autolycus deserves recognition of it's own. So here is my contribution. On this page you will find fan fiction, interesting facts about Autolycus and hopefully, a few surprises. | Last Updated On April 28, 2007.
What's new at the Herculean Thief's Page
° May 4, 2007 Added a link to my new story on my Fan Fiction Page.
° April 27, 2007 Added two links to stories from the Hercules: Real Legendary Journeys to my Fan Fiction Page.
° August, 13 2006 Added the link to the RLJ version of "The End of the Beginning" to my Fan Fiction Page.
° May 30, 2005 Added the link to the RLJ version of my "All That Glitter's" to my Fan Fiction Page.
° December 27, 2004 Updated winners to the 2004 Iolausian Fan Fiction Award (affectionatly called 'The Apple') on my Fan Fiction Page.
° July 14, 2004 For Iolaus fans! Added a couple of "Iolaus" only stories to the Fan Fiction Page.
° May 8, 2004 Added another story to my Fan Fiction Page.
° January 30, 2004 Added another story to my Fan Fiction Page.
° December 31, 2003 Updated my Fan Fiction Page with the winners of the 2003 Iolausian Fan Fiction Awards (affectionately called 'The Apple').