Welcome to Cybercat's Virtual Litterbox

(Please note my Geocities username is miauw because cybercat was already in use.)

If you've come here to see the best homepage ever made, you've accidently entered the wrong URL. Please check your spelling and try again.

If you want to know what I look like, click here. I'm warning you though, it's not a pretty sight.
My favorite author is Terry Pratchett. To find more information about him, his work and his fans, click here.
For my CCDE pictures click here

My favorite Play by (e-)mail game is Legends.

If you want to find out more about this game, or if you want to play it yourself, check out
For the US: Midnight Games
For Australia: PBM Enterprises
For the UK: Harlequin Games
For Austria: SSV Graz
For Canada: Dragon Games
There's also a Dutch licencee, but they don't have a webpage.

If you have any questions, you can mail me at miauw@geocities.com or at cybercat@introweb.nl.
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