

The Beginning!

Born on the planet Kalla, Madchin spent most of her childhood, and teenage years in and out of the Planetary insane asylums, and mental hospitals. She was subjected to multitudes of tests and various procedures to find the source of her mysterious voices. It was on the eve of being sent away long term to a harbor type of center, that Madchin's brother helped her run away. Over the course of the next 4-5 years Ameck spent living on the streets and scrimping for her addiction to glitterstim. After a time, she was captured and sent to a detox center, but that lasted only a few monthes before she escaped aboard a transport, destination Mos' Eisley.

Not long after her arrival on Mos Eisley she found work with JenCorp, and was employed to spy on their rivals in the Cantinas. However her beauty soon attracted the the gaze of Ulic Qel-Droma who imediately recognised her force potential and informed her of that being the cause of her voices. The grand Jedi Master offered her training in return for sexual favors, that was rebuffed by a fit of rage by the young Madchin. This seething anger drew the attentions of then Dark Lord Lord Divad Coner. He took her immediately as a servant, and offered to make her a warrior for him in time. In the process of this, he took her the Nexus planet.

It was in the Nexus that Madchin met two people who would mean a great deal to her life, Duncan Novalis and Dolph Kueller. Lord Kueller and Master Novalis, spent their time trying to both turn Madchin against Coner, and whoo her away from each other. Madchin however had gained a taste of the Dark Side, and would not be denied her true power. At the moment of weakness, Lord Kueller offered to show her the power of both Dark and Light, if she would learn control. Madi responded by firing a preset blaster rifle into the Sith Lord's chest. Events transpired to keep her from glowering in her power, for mere days later bounty hunter of the Black Sun executed her for Lord Coner's crimes against them. It was only a month later that Master Novalis and Lord Coner both added their names to the list of dead.


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