Death Squad
The Imperial Death Squad <IDS> was setup in response to threats being
levied against Emperor Kahless and Chancellor Gowron. The Missions of the <IDS>
were handed down by Gowron after a changling impersonating General Martok attempted
to kill the Chancellor. The first mission of the <IDS> is to quell resistance
to Chancellor Gowrons and Emperor Kahless's accedence to the their respective posts
within the Empire. The second mission of the <IDS> is to root out all enemies
of the Empire that are operating with in the Empire. Including but not limited to
those of friendly forces that are operating covertly within the Empire without permission.
The third mission of the <IDS> is to chased down and kill external enemies
of the Empire. These targets included and not limited to Heads of State, Military
Heads, Resistance Groups and Top of the Line Military Men. These targets are and
will be pursued till they are either dead or no longer threatened to the Empire.
For this purpose Gowron has turned over the best military equipment the Empire has
to offer. These include the latest addition to the fleet the Klingon Super Cruiser.
The <IDS> also has been given the right of seizure by the Emperor and may take
any piece equipment that the <IDS> will need to fulfill its missions.
Current <IDS>
All members of the <IDS> are members of a house. Usually the house of
the member that recruited them into the ranks of the <IDS>. The <IDS>
is set up in a closed structure only heads of houses know all their members. This
was put into place to keep the names of the members secret and for information to
be disseminated without recourse to the original recipient if it is released for
propaganda, blackmail or evidence about the deceit of other groups operating in the
Empire.Membership in the house is confidential except for the leaders of said houses.
The <IDS> is divided up into five ruling houses. These five houses sit on a
war council to determine if and when alliances should be made. Generally the <IDS>
only targets individuals that have taken liberties against the Empire.
Head of House: Kahless
Chief of Staff:: Piranna:
Head of House: Gozzdog
Chief of Staff:: Melloman
Head of House: Slider
Chief of Staff:: Datalore
House of Lord
Head of House: Lord Locutus (WF)
Chief of Staff: TJStriker (WF)
House of Viper
Head of House: Viper
Chief of Staff: (classified)
To join the <IDS> all you need to do contact one of the previous Heads
of Houses and be given that particular houses membership criteria or contact me at or touch the envelope and go.

To play Starfleet Academy online first u need to download @ patch a Interplays
web site. This patch will let your machine run as smoothly with the others in
the Starfleet server and game play will be improved. The next thing you need to do
is download Kali from the Kali website. Then you need to
install all this software in its proper order otherwise you may not be able play
Starfleet Academy. After you have installed the software you need to start up Kali.
Once Kali has started you need go to the Starfleet chat room this is located on the
left side of the Kali screen on the top. Scroll down this list till you see server
605 - Starfleet. Once you have found Starfleet double click on the name to join the
conversation. Once you have joined the conversation you may look for a game to join
down below the server list. Look For games saying Starfleet Academy (827). Double
click on the game and join in. Once you have joined on the bottom right of the game
screen you need to check into the game. Now you need to know the Subspace Number.
Remember this number otherwise you will not find the game you have joined. The game
will be launched by the host and it will show you the opening credits to Starfleet
Academy. You may skip this process by touching your space bar. Now you should be
at a screen with buttons on the right hand side of the screen. Using your mouse click
on the button that says Network . Next screen you will see in the bottom center 3
buttons, click on the button that says setup . Once this is done a screen should
be up that says the subspace numbers 0-9, click on the Subspace number that you have
memorized. Next hit the button that says Engage. From there it is pretty self
explanatory. So see you on the battlefield of stars and good luck.