___ Last Updated 10/30/2000
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Welcome to the sound section of the academy. I am currently reworking and getting old bad links out and reworking this section. There may be only one or two sounds here or there at the moment, but rest assured that this section will be brought back up to speed within the next few weeks as I search for more sounds. I may also seperate the sounds according to each movie like I did with the Episode 1 sounds. Keep checking back to see what is new. Thank you all for your patience.

Click here to go to the Episode 1 sound gallary


Vader deals with Admiral Ozzel and Captain Piett gets an unexpected promotion

Luke Skywalker

"I'll never turn to the dark side........you failed your highness, I am a Jedi, like my father before me

Princess Leia Organa - Coming Soon...

Han Solo and Chewbacca - Coming Soon....

Lando Calrissian - Coming Soon....

Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi

"Use the Force Luke!....Let go Luke.." - Obi-Wan to Luke Skywalker

Emperor Palpatine - Coming Soon....

Jedi Master Yoda - Coming Soon....

Threepio and R2-D2 - Coming Soon....

Wedge Antillies - Coming Soon....

Grand Moff Tarkin - Coming Soon....

Rebels in the Rebel Alliance and Misc sounds - Coming Soon....