___ Last Updated 10/06/2003
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EP1 Character Info
Episode 3 Spoilers & Information
Biographies section
Novel section

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Greetings to all that pass through here...
You have arrived at The Skywalker Academy on Yavin 4. At this academy, those who can feel the Force come to get a better understanding and control over this mystical power of life. Please feel free to explore all that we have to offer, and all that is asked in return is your thoughts on this place, whice you could leave in the guestbook located a little down the main page. May the Force be with you all. Please visit anytime.

Recent Updates

Hello to all the fans of this site. I know I haven't exactly been keeping this page updated due to school & work. I'm trying to get myself back on track with the site and am thinking about several ways to rework everything. I have created a special section devoted to spoilers & information regarding Episode 3. Click on the link to check out some interesting info but be warned! If you don't want to know, then don't go into that section! Until then, I hope you're getting yourself pumped up for Episode 3, not to mention the DVD release of the Indiana Jones Trilogy on DVD. Until next time, may the Force be with you!

Jedi Master Luke Skywalker

I hope everyone who has come across this way has enjoyed the effort I have made to get this site looking great and trying to have most of the best stuff on this page, ranging from bios to sound clips to links. Please feel free to check out these links on the main page. Also located on this main page are links to the latest offical Star Wars On Location video and Episode 2 Select picture, direct from the offical Star Wars website. Be sure to check those out! Thanks and peace to you all.

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Movie Clip section
Sound section

Misc. info
My SW Fan Fiction
Webring section

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Star Wars is a copyright of Lucasfilm Ltd. This page is in no way affiliated with the copyrighted material found within.