Jennifer "Jenna"


My websites can be reached here:

Also, I have my resume here. If you're looking for simple web designs like you see here, or for data entry work, take a look and let me know!
My resume

If you want to see pictures of me, here are the ones I like:

I have just one family member on the web:

For the rest of my family, I can only say that I love them dearly, and show you some pictures.

For my friends, I have tons of pictures! (Course, they wish I wouldn't put them up...but what are friends for if not to annoy you, eh?)

I also have an extended family of people I met while on IRC and from the family my mom adopted...well lets just say that if I had a family reunion, we'd need to rent a HUGE tent!!

All Graphics on this page were found at the above site.