This Month In The Sky!

This section is dedicated to former President Jimmy Carter who reported a UFO only to be told it was the planet Venus.
It is placed here to inform you what should be visible in Earth's sky during the month of December 1999.

This information is courtesy of the Alachua Astronomy Club and Astronomy Magazine.

                              Sunday the 7th [ Stationary]
                              Tuesday the 16th [At Perihelion ~ 0.31AU] 1
                       Wednesday the  17th [ At inferior conjunction]
                               Saturday the 27th [Stationary ~ at 8AM 0.2 Degrees South of the Moon]

                            Wednesday the 3rd [7 Degrees South of the Moon]
                            Tuesday the 16th [3 Degrees South of  Neptune]
                     Thursday the 11th [At Greatest Brilliance] 2
                            Monday the 22nd [1.1 Degree North of Mars]
                            Thursday the 25th [Stationary]
                            Wednesday the 31st [1.2 Degrees South of the Moon]

           Mars :
                            Wednesday the 3rd [7 Degrees South of the Moon]
                     Monday the 15th [1.6 Degrees South of Neptune]
                            Friday the 26th [0.6 Degrees South of the Moon]
                            Wednesday the 31st [4 Degrees South of the Moon]

                            Friday the 5th [3 Degrees South of the Moon]

            Saturn :
                            Tuesday the 9th [.0.2 Degrees South of the Moon]
                            Wednesday the 17th [Stationary]

                            Thursday the 4th [4 Degrees South of the Moon
                     Wednesday the 31st [4 Degrees South of the Moon]

                             Wednesday the 3rd [3 Degrees South of the Moon]

                      Saturday the 13th [0.5 Degrees South of the Moon]

Changing of  the Seasons --
                              Sunday the 21st [Winter Solstice ~ Winter begins in the Northern

Special Things to see--
                               Conjunction Of Venus, Uranus, and Mars with the Moon

Sunday the 14th -- Geminid  Meteor Shower
                                      [1/4 Peak  Duration = 3 Days, ZHR = 95]
                             Monday the 22nd -- Ursid Meteor Shower
                                      [1/4 Peak  Duration= 2 Days, ZHR = 20]


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