Land of the Giants: A guide to the characters

Here's a full cast pic (thanks to the Internet Movie Database)

TOP, L to R -- Aerospace engineer Mark Wilson (Don Matheson); Cmdr. Alexander B. Fitzhugh (Kurt Kasznar); Flight Officer Dan Erickson (Don Marshall); Capt. Steve Burton (Gary Conway)

BOTTOM, L to R -- Heiress Valerie Ames Scott (Deanna Lund); Barry Lockridge (Stefan Arngrim); & Stewardess Betty Ann Hamilton (Heather Young)

Captain Steve Burton -- As ship's pilot, Steve was always ready to put his own life on the line to save any of the group who became innocent captives of the SID (Special Investigation Department), whose sole purpose was to capture the little people and force from them information pertinent to our advanced technology.

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Flight Officer Dan Erickson --Steve's best friend and co-pilot was the level headed one of the group. Dan hardly ever lost his cool, even when tempers flared among the others.

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Betty Ann Hamilton --With the air of a pixie, Betty always had a smile to share with people. She and Dan both had a sense of optimism that kept them going in these most unusual circumstances.

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Mark Wilson --Mark grew up with no money, but enough determination and intelligence to get through Cal-Tech and MIT, eventually becoming designer and consultant of space technology ("The Mechanical Man"). He was Chairman of the Board of 17 companies before the age of 30 ("The Bounty Hunter"), and this trip to London was to seal yet another multi-million dollar deal. Not used to taking orders, he and Steve had their share of clashes, which sometimes escalated into full-blown fights. But they were both fighting for what they felt was a greater good -- getting all of them home safely.

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Valerie Ames Scott --Unlike Mark, Valerie grew up with plenty of money, being an heiress to a fortune that (to my knowledge) was never named on the show. She always wanted to be surrounded by action and was at one point willing to needle Mark into a mutiny just to amuse herself ("The Bounty Hunter"). Eventually, though, she graduated to being in the center of any action that worked for the group.

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Alexander Fitzhugh --Fitz is the group's resident thief and con man. He had just stolen $1 million and was escaping to London on the ill-fated flight. Not exactly a man of action, he was more likely to hide behind one of the girls or shrink into a corner than fight to save anyone but himself. Even he, however, had a soft spot and did risk his own safety to save young Barry's life ("The Creed"), w/the help of Steve and the others.

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Barry Lockridge --11 1/2 year old Barry was on his way to stay with cousins in London after the sudden death of his parents. Although he spent much of his time keeping an eye on his dog, Chipper, Barry still had enough energy and sense to keep the group warned when giants were approaching. He always looked past Fitzhugh's faults and saw a very close friend, a relationship that they maintained until the end of the show.

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I hope I have given you a sufficient introduction to the characters. You can find summaries of the episodes that I have mentioned above, as well as all of the others, at the Irwin Allen website.

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