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Sorry, but due to the fact that I have been very busy lately,
some of my pages have gotten very out of date. I will try my
best to update my pages soon. Thanks.

Hi, I'm DarkDragon.
I am almost always working on the site.

Here's just a test page that I created using the new Intel Wiz Web Page Editor
provided for geocities members. If you've been curious as to what it can do go check it out! Intel Wiz Page

My interests are Computers and Stuff.

Right now, this page is basically
for me and my friends.
Its also under MAJOR construction!

Please email me with any questions, comments, or suggestions you may have.
Thank you.

To contact me email me at:
If you have icq, my icq # is: 8551571
Or, if you have AOL Instant Messenger, my screen name is icqViper.
Please come back soon and visit me.
Here's a pic of me.

Everyones gotta View/Sign My Guestbook

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