Mystic Trails (and whatnot)

Yeah, snazzy greeting, huh? Oh well.

This, as you can see, is my webpage. Yes. It sucks. That's what happens when one has no ambition whatsoever to make a -good- webpage. So, in the end, what you see is what you get. One would think.

My collection of poems that I've gotten up onto their own webpages, though it's all rather simplistic (the webpages, not the poems).

I play on a little MUD named Melmoth. I've written several things concerning the place and my characters and done some pics for them. If you ask nice I might even share 'em.

Head on over and check out reagan?, my favorite band of all time. Alright, so I'm a little biased. The singer is a friend of mine. But they're still really good!

For all those that care to, you could hop on over and sign my guestbook. Nifty stuff, I tell ya:

View my guestbook  Sign my guestbook

Peaches & cream, baby. Peaches & cream.

Wow.. I've had a whole people come here so far...