This page is devoted to the fine art of getting
your butt out of a sticky situation or preventing it entirely. The
following is a compilation of my players ideas on how to stay out of trouble,
or how they got into it. I figure I'd pass them along, so future
agents can gain knowledge on what to do and not to do, so they might not
repeat them.
Selecting, creating and maintaining a cover identity is the best protection
an agent has, unless their cover is easily found to be false.
Weekly World News Reporters
U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (US AMRIID).
Real Estate Buyers
Microsquish Employees (when not in need of an "official" cover. It
helps explain the RV)
FBI AgentsSpecial Investigators for the State of _______
Authors researching for local history books
NOT to do
This is a listing of various bumblings that Agents have done over the
course of many missions. If you have any to add, please mail
them to me and I will add them on.
Activating the Electrokenisis power of Soak while a Particle Beam Weapon
(not electrical) is charging, instead of ducking. The result was
the agent being cut neatly in half at the waist.
Driving your vehicle up into an enemy held forest on the only road that
accesses into it without doing any recon, or checking for mines.
The result was the vehicle striking a mine, and then being ambushed by
5 armed men, one who had an RPG-7 rocket launcher.
Driving you motorcycle down unfamiliar roads at night with no headlights,
but wearing Night Vision Goggles while carrying a combat loaded passenger.
The result was the driver failing his roll and wrecking, ruining his bike,
breaking his arm and thigh while almost killing his passenger.
Never try and put mini Bureau Sunglasses on your mages Raven familiar.
After seeing that a towel removes all color form what it touches, grabbing
it and wiping your hair with it. The result was the character having
white hair and going blind for a time.
© 1998
If you have comments or suggestions, email me at |