Nick Pollotta - 11/16/00 07:41:15 My URL: My Easy to Navigate?: Yeppers GM or Player?: Both | Comments: Well, its finally done. Wildside Press will be reprinting all four (yes, I said four) of my "Bureau 13" novels next year, starting with the first book this December 2000. Stay loose, gang. I'll try and write a bit faster on book #5. Nick |
Gorp Gerber - 10/17/00 05:10:19 Easy to Navigate?: sure GM or Player?: both, mostly GM | Comments: Very nice... |
Harry Mckenzie - 05/10/00 14:59:52 My Easy to Navigate?: yes GM or Player?: both | Comments: Interesting and full of good info, I'd like to hear about some of your teams missions. Contact me and I will download some mission files from Team Hardrock(US Army B13 Blackops) |
andew netsworth - 03/07/00 20:03:12 My | Comments: This site s really cool and i lke it when it does that side thing from the corners WICKED!! |
Nick Pollotta - 08/25/99 06:27:24 My URL: My Easy to Navigate?: Sure GM or Player?: Author | Comments: Great site. Most impressive. Keep up the good work! Nick Pollotta |
Buls-I - 03/12/99 03:00:20 My Email:dhudgins Easy to Navigate?: Yep GM or Player?: Player | Comments: Cool Thanks for the Mark 1 Combat Suit. Big Boom. |
Agent Skyflash - 03/09/99 18:52:50 My Easy to Navigate?: yeah GM or Player?: player | Comments: Hey dude, get this - I was visitor # 1313 to the page. Groovy eh? Gotta love that FN-P90! |
abby - 02/16/99 04:40:39 GM or Player?: player | Comments: i think you are very on top of your games in planing esecaly your padge is most creative i like it alot when will we hear more!!!!! |
Steve - 12/21/98 10:21:17 My Easy to Navigate?: yes GM or Player?: GM kind of | Comments: Long before I found the game I had introduced B13 into my Beyond the Supernatural campaign. I now use the Tri-Tac stuff as a source book for a system that I'm more familiar with. Keep up the good work. Bob, dispatcher, Tm. Thunder Chicken |
Cindy - 09/23/98 07:31:18 My URL: My comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
steve martin - 07/29/98 17:16:51 My Email:msteph1@gl Easy to Navigate?: yeah GM or Player?: player | Comments: trav, I am intrested in playing so when do you start? Steve |
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Agent Scullie - 06/26/98 02:00:23 My URL: My Easy to Navigate?: yes GM or Player?: player | Comments: As a dedicated Agent, I felt It was my duty to see who else was on the bureau's webring. Keep up the good work. Agent Scullie, Team Kamikazi |
Troy Guffey - 06/23/98 03:01:31 My Easy to Navigate?: Yes GM or Player?: GM, sorta. GURPS B13 | Comments: Very nicely done |
trax little - 05/31/98 14:34:33 GM or Player?: Gm/player | Comments: dear team chicken $%? err... sorry ,salad no offence please for that last typing error (sidles away before getting head blown off) I think you have the most amusing team in the bureau my character is the leader of our team ,team twin namely becuase there only two members and thier related an ex seal with an affinity for reciting french poetry (rather badly) whilst reloading her gun during fire fights and an irish priest who has an iferiority complex about the size of his gun. namely going for the biggest kick ass rifle he can get and he also tends to drool and get a feral look in his eye every time we enter an armoury so I've taken passwording the lock to the armory door especially after an incident involving him sleep walking into the armoury with an m14 and posting guard for the nighthe also has a hobby in his spare time after concercrating and performing mass he likes to sit back with a glass of whisky in one hand and a C4 charge in the other Draw your own conclusions. We may shortly be "recruiting" ano her agent a fringe worlder that we have been tracking for months who seems to have a personal agenda on earth that involves blowing up several brotherhood O.D. warehouses he's destructive and more than a little mad just the way we like em. yours truly team twin P.s. does the name of team toasted cheese sound good. |
Agent Buls-I - 05/01/98 20:17:53 My Easy to Navigate?: yes GM or Player?: Player | Comments: Lock And Load! When Do I get my own Mark 1 Combat suit. |
Jonathan Pennell - 04/29/98 18:56:54 My Easy to Navigate?: pretty easy. GM or Player?: player | Comments: Great laugh, I like what's working. My only complaint would be lack of stats for some weapons. I'll be back. |
ppops - 04/29/98 04:04:49 My URL: My Easy to Navigate?: ok GM or Player?: nok | Comments: you always give it your best shot ![]() |
Bruce Sheffer - 04/21/98 19:42:35 My Easy to Navigate?: huh? GM or Player?: Both | Comments: Like your page. If you have any suggestions for the next edition of B13 please send them my way, Bruce Sheffer Outpost Games |
William Travis - 04/02/98 08:37:10 My URL: My Easy to Navigate?: Yes GM or Player?: GM | Comments: Been looking over your site on and off for the past week, and figured it was time to sound off. Excellent job, very impressive and detailed work on the entries (wish mine were that good). |
Agent Sal - 03/26/98 23:50:14 My URL: My Easy to Navigate?: yep GM or Player?: Both | Comments: Nice Site Chik! hey... do I get EXP for saying I like it? ;) Chik is a fun GM and a nice Rooster... I like best the part where you quoted me on the 8 shot pistol... BLABLAM! all HELLSPAWN must die! |