Welcome to Gargoyles International!

Your flight to clans all around the world!

TEN YEARS ON THE WEB! July 7, 1998-July 7, 2008

Hi. Welcome to my page. I am Kayka, owner of this unique gargoyles page. This is the home of the six original clans of mine and of my corner of the Disney's Gargoyles' universe. Please read the stories of the France, Spain, Germany, Russia, Norway, and Algeria clans as well as the stories of Goliath's clan which are the property of Buena Vista.


Dec. 13: I've decided to clean up my webpages, starting with this page. I'll be doing cleanups on various pages. You'll notice that I've done away with my Thundercats page. However, the stories and episode guides will be on the misc archive page.

June 25, 2008: I've decided to mark this site's tenth anniversary a little early, but I've added a few misc stories to the archive and will take a look at my other pages and check their links.

Links of my universe:

1. Gargoyles: Check out my tribute to the greatest show Disney's ever created!

2. Airport: Book a flight to visit one of my own six clans plus the New York clan.

3. Pokemon: Check out a favorite non-gargoyle show. You won't be disappointed.

4. Misc stories: A collection of stories by Meiou Setsuna and Kayka.

I've adopted a dragon for this site on February 26, 2003. His name,certificate, and pic are below as well as his friend, Golden Eyes also adopted February 26, 2003. Say hello & don't make them mad!
