Here's a bunch of links for ya.

A buttload of these links don't work anymore. I've gathered just enough energy to go into my file manager and insert this declaration. Don't really hope for anything more anytime soon, such as actually updating the links or adding new ones. Is anyone actually reading this?

Darlin's Homepage
---This is my good friend Darlin's homepage who I met on the Undernet on MIRC
Schmennifer's Loser Site
---This is the site that inspired me to create a website to begin with
Survey for the Sick and Twisted
---The survey is over, but the results are in...
Gory Gifs
---This guy is one sick bastard.
Poke Alex in the Eye
---A fast and furious game of action and intrigue.
Star Trek Continuum
---What kind of web site would this be without a Star Trek link?
Mr. T
---Mr T says: I belieive in the Golden Rule...THE ONE WITH THE MOST GOLD RULES!!!
Stereoscopic Animated Hypercube
---This is a very trippy site. It's worth checking out! And check out the other links there, too.
Bug Splat
---A simple, yet strangely satisfying site.
---Turn your computer into an instant psychotherapist!
---.cixelsyd era uoy fi ereh oG
Slap a Spice Girl
---Kahn to Baby Spice: I've done far worse than kill you. I've hurt you. And I wish to go on... hurting you...
How to keep an idiot occupied
---I've spent hours and hours at this place... I never get tired of it.
Fart Farm
---The perfect place for a nice, ripe fart, fresh off the vine.
---This is a great site. IT SUCKS! But it's a great site.
Dark and Gruesome Links
---This place is chock full of wholesome goodness.
---If only all women were this perfect...
---There are all kinds of neat mind twisting things to check out here.
Lord Soth's Games on the Internet
---If you want about a zillion games to download, then go here. It's the best source on the internet, in my opinion.
Gamefan Online
---The online version of the excellent console gaming mag.
Wet Whale
---A 'zine which has lots of stuff about cool bands like Bjork, Portishead, Suede, Echobelly, etc... I dare you to dare them to update it, though.
Alta Vista Translations
---You can translate whole sentences between English, German, Portugese, Italian, and Spanish.
Woman Eater
---You just plain old have to see this to believe it.
The Evolution Fact FAQ
---Read this and say goodbye to creationism.
The Skeptic Tank
---This is where I found the Evolution FAQ. You can spend hours exploring this place. I highly recommend it!