Welcome to the pride of my web page, the Photos of California section.

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In this glorious wide angle view, we can admire the lovely shade of brown which gently blankets the horizon. I get chills when I look at this one, because I know that the live-giving brown air which is only visible on the horizon, is also lovingly caressing my lungs as I behold it's wonderment.

In this panoramic photomontage, you can admire my adept skill at the fine art of photo editing. See how I have matched the colors of the four different photos (yes, I know, it's hard to believe that this was originally FOUR different photos!) so perfectly that they blend seamlessly into one another, creating the illusion of one continuous landscape. Again, the ubiquitous brown haze gently blankets the serene city below.

This is a photo of the Griffith Park Observatory. Notice the 'no U-turn' sign in the foreground. The poetic irony pervades my soul to this day.

In this beautiful collage, we have first (upper left) a picture of our own sun in all it's glory. If it weren't for the sun, these photos would not have been possible. Something to remember, hmmm? To the right of that, we have a splendid view of, none other than, 'Dante's View'. In case you are one of the few people who hasn't heard of it and don't know it by sight, I refer to the most awesome of nature's achievements, the mountain, located in the background. At it's peak rests what I refer to as the 8th Wonder of the World, Dante's View. Under that, we have a most exquisite picture of the Hollywood sign. Isn't the detail breathtaking? And to the left of that is what I have to consider the highlight of my entire trip. This, I feel, summarizes the essence of our proud society in one eloquent statement. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this one is certainly worth a couple of them. Again, breathtaking.

And while you're here, you might as well visit...


Where you'll be able to see pictures of me and my friends captured in the midst of our daily activities!

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Oh and by the way... for anyone who's confused, this page is an excercise in sarcasm