Welcome! This page is devoted to 3D and 2D digital art. I am just starting out with digital media. I don't have much yet, but that will change with time. I am using a program called trueSpace 4 for my 3D images. I did the 2D stuff with Photoshop 6.0, Paint Shop Pro 5, and Fractal Painter.

Here's a link to the Caligari website, the company that created trueSpace. . .


. . .where you can see some very good examples of what is possible with this program.

Here's a link to the company that created Photoshop . . .
Adobe Systems Incorporated

And one to the company that created Paint Shop Pro . . .
Jasc Software

And one to the company that created Painter . . .

Here are some 3D images I have done, starting with my first to my most recent.
Click on a thumbnail to enlarge it.

office kitchen1 kitchen2 knee ashlogo
stereo cdplayer asteroid1 asteroid2 asteroid3
asteroid4 shuttle1 shuttle2 shuttle3 chessboard
chessboard2 selfportrait reflection rose landscape

Here are a some digital paintings that I did with a Wacom graphics tablet, which I find extremely useful and fun to use.

landscape bit of a greenie flower flower2
sparrow hand

I recently started school at the Art Institute of Dallas in computer animation. Here's my stuff from my fundamentals of drawing class.

Original Apocolypse 2 Color Apocolypse Enhanced Apocolypse

My Gundam Suit model. Modeled with 3D Max 3

Gundam Suit

Tidal Distortion Game Developers... a project I and some fellow students at the Art Institute are involved with.

Tidal Distortion Game Development

Say, here's a novel idea...

and tell me what you think of my page!

Psychadelic Park with Dinosaurs Added (just to make it good)
Visit my homepage by clicking the psychadelic mushroom! You can view the old guestbook entries there.

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roaches in my apartment.

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