Here is my "ultimate" quiz. If you get all the questions right, I might send you a prize (yeah right!)

1. a)Name all of Spidey's new identities!

b)Name their powers and weapons!

2. a)What is Cable artist Ladronn's first name?

b)What pre-Cable Amalgam work did he do?

3. a)Name Deadpool's dog (well, ex-dog now)!

b)Who was his previous owner?

4. a)This mega-menace "killed" most of the non-mutant heroes. What was his name?

b)Who was he really?

c)Who crated the pocket universe the heroes found themselves in?

5. Name two alien species that had come to conquer the Earth!

6. Who are Wolvie's very best friends?

7. a)Who was Nate Grey created by?

b)In what universe?

c)Who is his "real" world dopelganger?

8. Spider-Man's first super-villan fight was with who?

9. Who does the Juggernaught fear (he's dead now)?

10. a)What does X.S.E stand for?

b)Who were members (or rather, will be)?

11. What does S.H.I.E.L.D. stand for?

12. a)What does LL&L stand for?

b)Name 5 members!

13. What are the real names of these people:





e)Captian America





j)Typhoid Mary

k)Green Goblin (all of 'em)

14. What issue did Onslaught's origin take place?

15. Name 3 major charactors in the Marvel universe that were/are clones.

16. Beast was a member of what super-teams besides X-Men?

17. Onslaugt: Marvel Universe, page 18, panel 3, word 20: what is the word?

18. Match up the couples:

Mary-Jane Watson


Invisible Woman


Liz Osborn

Phoenix (Jean Grey)


19.Do you want your e-mail address on the hi-scores or non-prize list?

20.Do you want a quote on the hi-scores?

That's it for now. E-mail any questions you may have to me. I will change the quiz once 10 people get 100% right.

